Great news! Kamala promises to fight inflation on day 1!

Everything is (D)andy now. Beep boop beep. :rofl:


Driving up costs with more inflationary spending, while costing corporate jobs by increasing regulations on them?

What’s not to like?

It’s not like these idiots can learn a lesson from past ■■■■ ups.

It’s a shame that there are idiots out there who will cut off their nose, to spite their face by voting for these idiots.


Because we should be grateful that our savings haven’t been depleted any more?

Gee thanks.

They were warned and they still jammed their inflationary spending through, thanks to Harris and her tie breaking vote in the senate.

Good job :clap:


if the spending was repsonsible for it why has inflation dropped by over 60% despite the spendong not decreasing. its almost as if that wasnt the cause of it…

are prices nice and low now?

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Yeah, but, it’s all under control now that an actual recession is happening. The sky was sure to fall during the 4 years of peace and plenty, but notta now. :wink:

Here is just a handful of the chicken little frothing that suddenly disappeared when all the prices actually increased. We all know what’s (D)ifferent.



a recession with gdp growth of 2.8%??? thats not. recession in anyone book.

that would require negative inflation. but that fact is lost on the right,like most facts are…

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You’re merely the guy who ■■■■■■ up every cup of BS he ever brewed during the Trump years, but now we can totes trust your word now that steaks are 20 bucks a pound.

The economy never crashed under Trump like you were clearly hoping, and now the economy sucks in spite of your boot licking. :rofl:

Welcome back again, by the way.

I hope your open calls for terrorism made it to the FBI. :rofl:


Nice try…during inflation everything surges. Prices remain even if inflation drops to near zero. Only way to reverse is it deflation. Which would be worst.

But thanks for playing.

Don’t forget. :wink:


Been wrong on every single prediction…every single time.


And then can’t even flame out properly. :man_shrugging: :rofl:

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Prices are about 25 percent higher thanks to those 2 turds.

That the increase has decreased slightly doesn’t mean ■■■■■

That 25 percent is still there.

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I was thinking more like fixing inflation by
writing a $200 check to each of the poors,
plus $200b for the solar and wind industry to (ahem) “reduce energy costs.”


It’s not entirely her fault. Her speech writers are feeding her pabulum. But she’s such an empty suit that she doesn’t understand that. Of course, a whole lot of voters are just as stupid as she is, so they’re probably lapping this ■■■■ up thinking it sounds great. (“Just think, no more inflation and everyone will have a great job too!” Sounds a lot like the Obama worshipers, doesn’t it. :smirk: )

But thinking about it, she may actually have a workable plan to reduce inflation to zero … a recession could do that and even cause deflation. Cover your ears … the clapping and cheering will be deafening! :wink:


Yeah, almost down to the 2% target rate, but still higher than where they found it. Besides, it’s the cumulative inflation that hurts consumers. Things cost about 25% more now than they did 3-1/2 years ago.

Still clapping?


Even PBS wants to forget the Carter economy. :wink:


What he doesn’t like is @thinkingman quoting PBS. :wink:


And of course there is 2017-2020 to look to.