March 4, 2020, 5:04pm
This is the political Coronavirus thread. Since folks seem hellbent on making a matter that should bring Americans together political in nature, we have this thread. Spew venom, but cover your mouth so as to not spread the contagion.
As always, all forum rules apply in this thread. Below are links to previous political arguments for reference.
according to foreign policy magazine (2/10/20) trump wants to cut 1/2 the us finds of teh world health organization
his latest budget proposal has a 19% cut in funds for the CDC
he’s upset with the ways som epoeple in his administration are handling the virus
in 2018 he fired the entire pandemic response chain of command
his acting head of the homeland security (in office 4 months with no permanent replacement) gave a congressional briefing today where it was obvious he was clueless on basic…
On a phone so no links. But just read a story about Americans forced into quarantine and tested for COVID 19 tested negative then hit with 2700 bills.
If the government is mandating the quarantine should the government pay?
Ok so in another thread Trump is resoundingly trashed for having a Rally in N. Carolina because of the Corona Virus scare.
I’ve seen no such condemnation of democrats for having rallies tonight though which seems curious.
Is it time for all large gatherings of people to be cancelled to prevent further spread of Covid19 or was that just blind partisan ranting on the part of a couple of posters?
It may be because right wing radio is telling people that the Coronavirus is just the common cold.
There was the woman who visited her mother at the nursing home and ignored the signs saying Do Not Enter because the doors weren’t locked. (Although I have to ask, why weren’t the doors locked?)
Then there’s the individual in the article below, who decided to get out of their sickbed to go see an event in New Hampshire.
The markets have been rattled, of course it is Trumps Fault. Biden wins SC and the markets rally. Fed cuts rates and markets roll over. Biden wins the Super Tuesday contests and the markets rally.
So the markets felt the Bern and crashed. Biden sprinkles water and the embers fizzle.
who said it was the Corona Virus versus a simple economic fever caused by the bern?
Let’s start with timelines.
How long did it take the Obama Administration to declare a health emergency in 2009? How many were infected and how many dead before that emergency was declared.
How long before the Obama Administration initiated limited travel bans and quarantines at our ports of entry?
Where was the constant drumbeat of condemnations from the likes of the major broadcast networks, CNN, and MSNBC?
Where were the endless cries of incompetence and gloom and doom just around the co…
Hopefully it will keep Americans at arms length, at least for a while. ; )
“trump’s katrina”
which side is really politicizing this?
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March 4, 2020, 5:21pm
Of course the matter of COVID-19 is political . Treatment and prevention without national policy isn’t going to magically happen. But it being political doesn’t preclude Americans from coming together to work out those policy decisions.
March 4, 2020, 5:23pm
I don’t know what else to call pretending the current rate is anything close to what the eventual rate when more data comes in will be. But hey, if you want to make a signature bet on whether or not it will be lower or higher than 3.4% in a years time, I am game.
Making decisions based on what we know instead of some future, hypothetical unknown figure is panicking ? I think you have it backwards.
"Mr. Trump said that news outlets like CNN were “doing everything they can to instill fear in people,” while some Democrats were “trying to gain political favor by saying a lot of untruths.” His acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, went even further, telling conservative activists that journalists were hyping the coronavirus because “they think this will bring down the president; that’s what this is all about.”
"Donald Trump Jr. on Democratic party response to Coronavirus: “Anything that they can use to try to hurt Trump, they will. Anything he does in a positive sense, like you heard from the reporter that was just suspended from ABC, they will not give him credit for. The playbook is old at this point. For them to try to take a pandemic and seemingly hope that it comes here and kills millions of people so that they could end Donald Trump’s streak of winning is a new level of sickness.”
Yeah, its just one side.
"Mr. Trump said that news outlets like CNN were “doing everything they can to instill fear in people,” while some Democrats were “trying to gain political favor by saying a lot of untruths.” His acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, went even further, telling conservative activists that journalists were hyping the coronavirus because “they think this will bring down the president; that’s what this is all about.”
"Donald Trump Jr. on Democratic party response to Coronavirus: “Anything that they can use to try to hurt Trump, they will. Anything he does in a positive sense, like you heard from the reporter that was just suspended from ABC, they will not give him credit for. The playbook is old at this point. For them to try to take a pandemic and seemingly hope that it comes here and kills millions of people so that they could end Donald Trump’s streak of winning is a new level of sickness.”
Yeah, its just one side.
pointing out how democrats like schumer etc are politicizing this is not politicizing
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Democrats hoax.
the hysteria over it is
Good Lord.
i know but thats how obviously idiotic, desperate and ridiculous the dems are
March 4, 2020, 5:28pm
Check the OPs in the first post. Looks pretty even.
Good Lord. You just pointed out Donnie and Jr. pantingly politicizing this disease.
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One cannot disparage the good name of Trump, even its its the loser ferret-faced son who just spouts ■■■■■■■■like Dems wanting millions to die just to end Daddy’s treak of “winning”.
Clearly that’s not political.
i dont count anonymous posts on message boards in the wide scale politicization of a flu virus by democrats
again, for the politically remedial, it’s not politicizing when you point how desperately it is being politicized.
although the dems want you to think that, of course, and good job
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The Coronavirus is not a flu virus.
According to the above page, the flu is currently having more of an impact - as in 10,000 dead over the last few months - than the coronavirus.
This may change when the new tests go out and PERHAPS find out that those dying of the flu actually died of the coronavirus.
March 4, 2020, 5:41pm
It’s even funnier that you are in here in hysterics making it…
i am an anonymous poster on a message board. im not in congress, or on the national political scene.
in short, as i often need to say, this is not about me
March 4, 2020, 5:46pm
So the voters don’t matter? That’s what this forum is made up of.