This lie should sink the Biden campaign

First things first. Why did you put former Marine in quotes?

Why do you think I know these things? I mean seriously, do you think we chat?

Because that is a direct quote from you. I was quoting your words, hence the quotation marks. I am not savvy enough with the search function to find your posts, but I remember you have said as much in the past. :slight_smile:

Okay. From here out, if you want to communicate with me, don’t put it in quotes anymore. Fair enough?

So do you agree with Rudy the American people deserve to hear these laptop stories even if they aren’t accurate?

And the post is pushing Rudy off the front page. Looks like even they have had enough>

I am looking forward to Donald’s last ditch effort to give a dying story life on Thursday.

Probably will attempt to interrupt, the mod will use her mod powers to mute him and then he’ll claim he was conspired against.

That is probably the most likely path.

I don’t understand? Since you asked I went and looked at where I thought I remembered seeing it.

What’s the issue? I knew I remembered correctly.

because you shouldnt be made afraid to live you life

and besides, theyre not “rallies” they are “peaceful protests” where we have learned there is no virus risk

And then he can launch his TV station.


It sounds believable, that’s good enough for me

The stupid thing about the rallies is that while playing like an angry idiot to his base, he’s alienating more and more people with his heinous behavior. Why isn’t he even trying to broaden his appeal?

I want the truth! Who wants the truth?

In January this year the below story came out. In late 2017 during Trump’s state visit to China there was an unofficial meeting not logged between Jared Kushner & Chinese elites in Beijing. The meeting was arranged by Wendi Deng. Also present at this secret meeting was the US Ambassador to China, Terry Branstad. Now this is all curious, as earlier in that year, 2017, US counter-intelligence officials had warned Kushner that Wendi Deng was a literal asset of the Chinese Govt. Who were these elites?

Now we don’t know who from the Chinese side was at this meeting, but subsequently two things happened. Ivanka Trump got her Chinese trademarks & President Trump gave assurances about Chinese telco ZTE. There is no evidence that Kushner informed intel officials of the meeting. Weird, right?

Even stranger, just months after this meeting, Eric Branstad, the son of the US Ambassador to China, went to China with ZTE lobbyists to meet with the Chinese Govt. This was while Eric was working at the US Commerce Dept. No full disclosure has been given of what was said.

Now Eric Branstad had a history of using his ties to Donald Trump in order to drum up business for himself. Remember, he himself was working for the US Govt at the time in the Commerce Department.

What were Kushner and Brandstad up to? I think this could sink the Trump campaign. We need transparency and an investigation!


I hear that Fox is really falling asleep at the wheel too.

Great Biden ad, uhh fable.

what was it someone said on the old forum… “doesn’t matter if it’s true, it’s believable”


because he’s not a pandering moron like democrats are

he is what he is which, believe it or not, evidently, is widely appealing

democrats or their idiot media demons will never understand that

Broadbrushing much? :man_shrugging:t2: So he stomped off his 60 Minutes interview, instead of trying to look normal for that very large and diverse audience.

yes he is. his supporters don’t see it as pandering because they like it.

They’re just not that into you, Rudy.

Speaking of Rudy, where the hell has he been?