Six people arrested so far as part of Neo Nazi terrorist group

I’ve already articulated my “evidence”. Lower crime rates, lower unemployment, less civil unrest, less war.

You, on the other hand, have not.

That’s why we’re here. To provide insight. Not to be confused with the democrats who are here to provide oversight. :wink:

The whole “civil war” narrative is just a weird fantasy in the minds of conservatives, imagining using their guns to kill their fellow citizens.

Oh good God, we sound scary and dangerous! What should be done?:open_mouth:


No, neither scary nor dangerous are words I would use to describe the way you sound.

Thank God. All my friends know that I am harmless. A well armed, former Marine who can do 30 chin-ups and qualified twice as an expert shot, but still harmless. I certainly don’t want to sound scary to anyone. But what about those millions of other armed conservatives? They are pretty sketchy. What shall we do?

I can and have grown about any vegetable that you can think of. There is a green house in the yard and not too many years ago I started my own plants. This was before I decided to try my hand at road construction.
I raise and sell beef and in the past have raised sheep and hogs. We currently own 2 milk cows. My husband gets the pleasure of milking them every morning. Since he is the stay on the ranch dad and does most of the work around here now.
There are a couple of goats running around some where. I have milked goats in the past but now all they have to do is keep the weeds down in the tree groves. We also have chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. There are also deer, antelope, pheasants, prairie chickens and other wild life that live here and get eaten every year. Since my husbands hobby is breaking and rehabbing horses there are plenty of them around. I suppose if need be I could eat them if I had to.
Plus there are two ponds on the property that are stocked with fish.
Even though we don’t farm our own ground any more. We rent it out I could farm my ground again if need be. I have grown corn, wheat, soy beans, milo, edible beans and sugar beets in the past.
There are fruit trees south of the corrals. Apples, pears, cherries, peaches and plums. There is a patch of asparagus, horseradish and rhubarb there too. Lets see in the tree line we have planted blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries and blueberries.
So no Calif does not need to feed me. I have and can do fine on my own.


But it does.

They separated because they wanted to preserve slavery.

They institutionalized slavery in their constitution they drafted.

But if they had won, they wouldn’t have institutionalized slavery?

None of which even begins to address the bitter, hateful, partisan political divide in the nation today.

The “bitter, hateful, partisan political divide in the nation today” is the same bitter, hateful, partisan political divide in the nation since it was founded.

It’s just louder today - not bigger.

What you think Native Americans didn’t get a crappy deal in the past?
What I can tell you is that what happened to my ancestors has no bearing on what happens in my life today. And it makes me angry that people teach the young men in my tribe that they are owed because of the past.
Being Native American did not hold me back. And the only thing holding them back is themselves.
Now I spend a lot of time teaching young men who are growing up on the rez that what they have been taught in school is just a bunch of hog wash.
That all it takes to live a good life is to get out of bed, stay away from drugs and alcohol, to pull up their pants, turn their cap around the right way, keep it in their pants or bag it and to watch and learn.
I take young men who don’t even know what end of a hammer to hold and teach them a skill. It is amazing to watch them change. When they finish their first project and drive through the job and they look around and say I built that with pride in their voices. When they move on from my little company to a bigger company I am proud of them and let them know. Just like my own children they are on their way to bigger and better things and I am happy for them.

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It’s both. Every election cycle shows it just as this idiotic partisan impeachment shows it.

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That you have no idea what your talking about and are only spouting what you have read in books. I believe we both lived through the 70’s. Did you?

Nope. I was born in the eighties.

Here’s the thing, though. Anyone who lived through the 70s isn’t going to be fighting any “civil wars” today.

Oh at my age i’m won’t do it unless i have to. I was raised doing just that on a farm however and know how to do it if need be.

Wouldn’t be a 1st for me.

Well then you are not only uninformed, you’re just flat wrong.

You don’t need to be an athlete to fight.

“Till the day I die, I’ll have one good fight left in me”.

You guys raised even more stuff than i did on the farm growing up.

We did a lot but not all of what yall did/do.

There isn’t going to be any fight, the only way civil war happen in America is if somehow the Federal government collapses.

You’re not getting it.

There isn’t going to be a fight. There’s not going to be a heroic charge of aging boomers from middle America and their AR-15s.

Your fantasy war won’t happen in your lifetime.