This lie should sink the Biden campaign

So Joe lied about speaking with his son about Burisma. You know, the company who paid Hunter $50,000 per month for doing nothing? Joe knew everything. His emails were discovered on a damaged computer. Back in the day before the media became activists working for presidential campaigns, this would be enough to sink the Biden campaign. This is a short read. Read it but have a bucket near by. :face_vomiting:


And??? What’s the point.

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I knew this would eventually surface today.

So what about the story that some rando happened to drop off a laptop to be serviced and then disappeared… never to be seen again… just happened to contain damaging information that the guy who serviced it just happened to copy and hand over to Guiliani makes this a reasonable tale?


Such a poorly written bit of yellow. If you want quality yellow, you read The Urine Leaker at the height of Nackey’s powers.

This? Grade school.


I mean… if Guiliani had this info then Ron Johnson had the info and if he had the info then why was it left out of the Hunter Biden report from a couple weeks ago?


Do I really have to explain? Okay fine.

Joe Biden and his son got filthy rich doing political favors for a foreign company. Then he lied about it. Is that a good enough point?

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Nasty buffoons. But, foremost: buffoons.

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Lordy. It was nice having a few hours off between fake scandals. The drip, drip, drip thread puttered out. Maybe this can replace it.


Was he under oath when he lied…did he ever testify to that?

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Good question. I think CNN should investigate this. And get to the bottom of it. Don’t you?


The qurstion stands: why isn’t this in the Johnson report?

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I think that it is a sketchy story that was invented by Guiliani.

All signs point to that.

He has apparently had this info since last year and this is the first that we have heard this tale of a mysterious stranger anonymously dropping a laptop off to be serviced and never heard from again.

The story doesn’t pass the smell test.


The new Benghazi scandal is bubbling up.

That one is going to be huge!!!


It’s just bad writing, too. I mean, be plausible ferodinssake.


You’ve got him now!!!


Good question. I think CNN should investigate this. And get to the bottom of it. Don’t you?

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Remember this, that Rudy is one half of Trump’s election lawsuit team.


After reading over the Breitbart article, to quote jerry Seinfeld, you yada yada’ed over the best parts!

LOLOL- this is hysterical even for Giuliani. A water-soaked MacBook left off by a mysterious owner resurfaces just three weeks before the election.

Contains not only a “damning” e-mail but a sex and drugs video?

Hollywood couldn’t do much better.


The â– â– â– â–  I care what CNN does? Why you guys obsess CNN?

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