Why the problem won't end. Ever

Really it is an issue of training?
When the highest trained cops in our entire nation frame our duly elected President, supported by prosecutors, and judges, just what particular training failure occurred there? Please explain.
The entire Judicial branch has become terminally ill, but maybe a new brochure on choke holds would have protected Donald Trump.

if training worked, why haven’t we trained all citizens in public schools and trained away the criminal element of society?

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The Judicial branch has become something the framers never intended. It has become a clandestine, unaccountable Leviathan.

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You’re on my team, we’re shirts.

My thoughts on how things could be better?

Better training would be a start. A focus on deescalation, and less of the “warrior” mentality. Dave Grossman, and his training classes need to go. We shouldn’t be teaching the police force, to view themselves as soldiers, and their fellow citizens as insurgents. We shouldn’t be encouraging them to be so quick to use deadly force, or that the sex they will have after killing someone will be the best sex of their life.

We need to get rid of the blue wall culture, so that when an officer does something bad, a fellow officer doesn’t fear retribution and punishment for reporting it. How are we to get rid of bad apples, if the current police culture, is to protect ones own? We shouldn’t be firing officers, when they step in to stop another officer from beating someone.

I’d like to see an independent review board, and possibly a force of some kind. DA’s and the police are too closely linked, a DA isn’t going to go as hard on bad apples in the police force, because they need the police to go after other criminals. An independent review board and force, so the police are not investigating themselves, or charging themselves.


Because Floyd was a prisoner. Handcuffed and not resisting. I am a former Marine. We were trained to kill. But we were not trained to kill indiscriminately and without reason.

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Tech could solve a lot of the policing problems, or most really.
Every cop, every second, should have a camera on them, and on at all times. It is cheap now to employ such things. It would do two things, protect citizens from bad cops, and provide more evidence against those real criminals they come in contact with.
It is the cops themselves who block such protections. You might not see them kill someone, but you might see them, sleeping, leaving their patrol area, not responding to calls, stealling “a huge problem”, taking drugs.
Camera’s will no doubt show us just how far gone, and unsafe we are today. If as some say 99.9% are perfected, let’s show the people that.
Not all cops kill, but how many tamper, falsify, etc… Camera’s would all at once stop that too. It would help see that the people are being properly served.

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Not making everything illegal would solve them even more.

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The cop who killed Floyd had 18 prior complaints. They knew he was a bad cop and should have fired him.

Public sphere cameras have long had my support.

They showed just how horrible Floyd died and they are showing how mobs end government shutdowns.

The complaints may or may not have been valid. Anybody can complain.

No, you don’t need only one bad one. Dozens of bad ones have made then news, but the bad ones don’t get convicted.

People see a black nurse get killed in her home and no one is charged.
People see a black man chased down the street and shot to death and hear the sheriff claim it was a self defense.
People see a white Stanford kid plea guilty to sexual assault and see him get 6 months.
People see a black man choked to death by the NYPD and its excused because he was selling loose cigarettes.
People see a white soldier convicted of murdering prisoners being pardoned.

What happens can’t be fixed too much (stuff happens on this side of the grave). What doesn’t happen afterward, now that can be fixed.


You were doing great until you threw that one in there.

Thank you.

One of those things ain’t like the others.

I’ll leave the inter-branch name calling to others. But in this case, the optics don’t care if it was a white sailor or a white soldier. The situation is that a white person was convicted and later pardoned for killing a brown person. And all the pile of words explaining why that was just won’t cause people to forget that there are at least two standards of justice.

What name calling? SEALs are sailors, not soldiers.

Oh bull ■■■■■

It’s not rare. Most incidents don’t make national headlines, so most people never her about them.