Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

Republicans? Well, Rosenstein is a registered Republican. Mueller was his sole choice.

Mueller is also a registered Republican.

As for Clapper, Brennan and Strzok, I’m not aware of their voter registrations. I believe Clapper is registered as an Independant, but I’m not sure.

Who appointed Rosenstein?

Why are you wasting your time? Its the same crap done in the papa threads…

You know the answer to that.

And still it has nothing to do with my statement how Democrats jumped on this Trump/Russia conspiracy theory as an excuse for Hillary’s failure.

Patience, you think something this biblical takes overnight to defeat.

Stock up on popcorn because the new years going to be big!

I thought you were talking about the Uranium One that Mueller and Rosenstein buried.

Their political affiliations are irrelevant. Their organizational affiliations are not.

They would burn this country down to protect the FBI.


lol - Your sources tell you what democrats are doing and you suck it up blindly. I watch msnbc nightly and never saw anyone saying that Hillary lost because of the Russians. After a very long while and as more information began to come out about that targeting of ads to specific areas on FB and Twitter there were reports that there could have been some effects, such as suppressing some democratic vote and bringing out a little more republican but still clear language saying that nothing could be proven about the level of effect.

But listening to morons on the right for the last 2 years it’s like every democrat in the country has been screaming that the election was stolen by the Russians since day one.

Were there some? Yes, but not anyone that most democrats would pay the least bit attention too.

But you just keep sucking up the lies man.

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Your Supreme Leader is a crook.

The GOP has controlled the house, senate and presidency for almost two years. Why have they not investigated this?

Whether the jumped on it is irrelevant. Republicans are leading the charge. It’s their baby. They’re in charge.

No you didn’t.

Trump can investigate any time.


For two years you guy’s had the white house, house, and Senate. So what happened?

Huber is going to testify to the House 5 December

on his findings into the Uranium One, Clinton Foundation and FISA abuse investigation.

Sounds like the Grand Juy’s are standing by.

LMAO… Your OWN article doesn’t mention a thing about grand juries… In fact, this little tidbit attributed to Congressman Meadows is pretty much what I expected…

Furthermore, according to Congressman Meadows, there is no evidence John Huber has done anything other than be appointed by Jeff Sessions.

That’s a weak strawman deflection. Even by your standards.

Why do you suppose people are going to jail if it’s all a fabrication

When did was this biblical thing planned? I mean, they thought Hillary would win, right? So in the time between election and inauguration, someone got sessions to flip, recruited mueller- both life long GOPers, corrupted the courts in such a way that people trump would appoint isn’t he future were also in on it, for the house and senate- though gop controlled - to chill out on exposing the plot- so McConnell and Ryan totally into it…I mean that’s a lot of work for a short period of time.