Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

Actually, it was morons on the left, like some posting to this forum and the ones talking to Yahoo News who kept arguing how it was only a few votes in Wisconsin or Michigan etc. that made the difference and we can’t tell but that Russian trolls made the difference.
Indeed, there have been articles (on the left) arguing that point.
Morons yes, but you have the orientation mixed up.

No one has gone to jail for colluding with the Russians.

70k votes…that’s not a lot to sway…that’s not a lot to purge of voter rolls now it is.
Oh what you think a propaganda machine doesnt sway voters? I give you talk radio…

And…to prove my argument.

Why should anyone be going to jail for anything if it’s all just a made up hoax concocted by the Deep State in teh period of time between the election and the inauguration?

Because if someone lies to the FBI it is a crime with jail time. Lying to the FBI is illegal. It does not need to involve anything re collusion.

That’s not the only reason people are going to jail.

But what did Papa lie to the FBI about?

You had one?

No it doesn’t say, but common cents will tell you his investigation is over and it’s time for indictments.

That is well known and already covered in prior posts to this thread.
His meeting with M…

Planning probably started the day Trump was elected, when did they start to execute the mission, The month Saudi Billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal was arrested.

And so lying about a meeting with a russian…a meeting at which they discussed emails that would help the trump campaign…that doesn’t sound like the possibility of collusion to you?

Where do you reckon they had their planning meetings? How did they get sessions in there since he was part of the campaign? Did he wear a disguise before going to the secret club house? How did they get all those judges who had yet to be nominated there without raising suspicion?

Ultamately who is the chief planner?

The Commander in Chief silly.

Yes. It sounds like the possibility of collusion. It just doesn’t sound like collusion. If Russia had a bunch of emails of Hillary, they didn’t need Trump or anyone else in the campaign to make them public.

R’s have been hypothetically concocting ■■■■■■■■ charges against Hillary and NOT ONE has resulted in any legal action against her. NOT ONE. Great waste of time but that’s R’s all over.

Are you trying to say that it wasn’t just a few votes in Wisconsin and Mich and PA? Because whether or not they were swayed, it’s a fact that it was a small amount of votes in each of those states.

That has nothing to do with what I said. I said that Dems hitched on to the theory that the Russian/Campaign conspiracies caused Hillary to lose because they couldn’t accept that the election didn’t result in Hillary winning. The low margin difference in some states is just what they use to explain how their conspiracy theory fantasy could have worked.

And I said that your delusional if you think that was wide spread belief. After evidence started to emerge there is belief that some votes were swayed, but still not a widespread belief among democrats that it is the reason Hillary lost.

But you have it in your head now from all the trash you watch and listen too, so I know it is stuck there.

You were just telling me how a few votes could have changed the election, which is a necessary part of the conspiracy theory that the Russian/campaign collusion. Now you tell me that I am delusional if I think that the conspiracy theory you are defending is wide spread.
I don’t think I’m delusional but I am a bit confused here.