Mueller Recommends No Prison Time for Flynn

Sounds like he might have all the plumbing attached to the kitchen sink as well - lol

Damn straight Mueller’s got the goods and let’s not forget Friday’s reveal along with the Cohen reveal next week.

Drip, Drip, Drip?

And all the rats lurking underneath.

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I think it’s more of a torrent now…lol

and don’t forget about tomorrow’s fun:

Fat shaming is mean…lol! You’ve believed that for two years, yawn!.. Mueller’s jobs is to control the news cycle… He’s got nothing.

Trump is Cool…

Didn’t realize Mueller finished the investigation and submitted a report. Speaking of deluded, hows your love of everything Trump says and does going?

You only a ZERO time recommendation when you give big time info to the prosecutor…Your boy is in big, big trouble.

He’s not going too finish the investigation. That would make him look real bad. . He’s just there to control the news cycle these days…

It’s adorable that you think that in the same way my grandpa is adorable when he thinks my brother is me when we visit him in the nursing home. I just love that guy!


And what makes you have that opinion? (Notice how I used the word opinion, since there are no facts behind what you posted.)

Dems have thought we only have ten years left for our eco sins for like 40 years… This investigation is the same thing… Just wait till next week… Mueller will have the goods.

Libs have such short memories…

Wait until Donny Jr. rolls on Daddy. Donald’s going to flip his combover.


It’s the pattern we’ve seen for two years. For a while it was the Flynn, Manafort, and Kushner in a circle of news… Still no collusion.

When are Trump supporters going to start defending in this thread?

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This will all come down to the joke Trump made one day about the Russian having Hilary’s emails… He said something like, hey Russain if you have them release them. They will call that collusion, watch…

This dude makes an excellent point.


The funny part about that is we can see how many posts I’ve answered. So, as usual the proof is not an the side of dems…lol!