Due to extensive cooperation on La Affair de Russ.
Uh oh
Collusion gimps UNITE!!!
To the basement!
Oh this is glorious news!
Must have spilled the whole can of beans. Manafort could have learned something
The best part will be the people who says it means he didn’t do anything illegal and play this down. I love that!
Good news everyone!
The movie is gonna eventually make it to government classes.
Mueller knows everything.
The spin on this will be dizzying
The tater is gotten! Lol.
Fox News right now is talking about caravans. CARAVANS! Watch out!
CNN is discussing the release of the memo.
I guess if you are a Trump supporter and want a safe zone, better get on over to Fox News to get enraged.
I love this part, he immediately flipped on fat donald.
19 interviews with Mueller… AND no jail time recommended?
Trump is about to be go on a rampage.
Flynn sung like a canary.
It’s ok, we understand you’re just trying to cope with the realization that you’ve gone all in forr a criminal like Trump.
Collusion gimps UNITE!!!
To the basement!
Keep whistling past that graveyard, you’re going to be fine.
It’s ok, we understand you’re just trying to cope with the realization that you’ve gone all in forr a criminal like Trump.
In a weird way I kinda feel sorry for some people who went all in for Trump (but don’t keep up with politics like us). They’re in for a shocker.
Trump is about to be go on a rampage.
We’ll see what Trump’s Tiny Twitter Fingers bring the world tomorrow morning.
In a weird way I kinda feel sorry for some people who went all in for Trump (but don’t keep up with politics like us). They’re in for a shocker.
Donald never did anything more obvious than show the world what he is, from Day One. No one was unwittingly duped - Trumpists knew exactly what they were supporting.