FBI says nothing illegal with Flynn's Russia call

They are no longer felons, if they are pardoned…

Well, now we know how conservatives plan to drain the swamp.


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There’s probably a reason the swamp went after Flynn immediately…

There’s probably a reason Flynn lied to Pence immediately.

he is, after all, a boy scout.

Why do you have an avatar picture of Hillary in front of a flag of the rising sun?

Seems like a suggestion that she should be an emperor?

And that Carter Page is being put on what is nothing more than a purely partisan pedestal.


but when you’re all in, you’re all in.

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What does it look like now?

Looks to me like Mikey Flynn had a lot to say very very early.

The memo says Flynn began providing information to investigators “not long after the government first sought his cooperation.”

“His early cooperation was particularly valuable because he was one of the few people with long-term and firsthand insight regarding events and issues under investigation by (Mueller’s office),” the memo says.


I can agree with that.

Ya, sure, why doesn’t Trump pardon him now ?:rofl:


Literally. This thread needs bumped forever.


From you NBC link:

“The defendant provided firsthand information about the content and context of interactions between the transition team and Russian government officials,”

Wasn’t collusion with the Russians to get Trump elected. For some dumb reason he lied about contacts AFTER Trump was elected. Doesn’t show any Russian collusion on the election from what I can see.

Yeah…you should keep thinking this…its gonna work well for you…

Thats if we ignore the phone calls and Mayflower meeting.

Also you know…people play many roles and not everyone is the reason something happens…

But again you should follow that logic

So you basically have nothing to show that Flynn gave evidence or lied about anything other than contacts after the election. I’m betting if there was something (unredacted) in the memo’s, the liberal media would be shouting it from the rooftops, and have cars with speakers driving up and down the streets shouting the news.

But instead, again the only thing I can find is reference to post election contact.

There is a link in the other thread covering this. He gave Info about contacts…but hey again you just plow on with that thought…

It’s not gonna work for you…

If your talking this thread:

maybe you can go in and point out these links to collusions with the campaign. Because I only see one link/post that talks about information on “other investigations”.

So if that’s all ya got . . …

Seems your entire faith in Trump now rests on your choice to think Flynn lied “for some dumb reason”. It wasn’t a fluke. It wasn’t an accident. It was purposeful lying to hide crimes from the FBI.

19 meetings with Mueller did not happen for a fluke. The 3 specific prosecutors with well defined specialties who signed the memo are not a fluke.

Flynn was looking at a shmorgisboard of charges. He turned witness to give what you can bet is a bunch of corroborated testimony on at least 3 criminal matters that are only going to make your current position of denial a heavy weight.



Read the memo.







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19 meetings with Mueller? Oh boy, that can’t be good.

I guess if I were a Trump supporter, I’d be reduced to continuing with denials, for consistency’s sake.

I’d comb through every article for some tiny scrap on which to hinge all of my hopes.

The alternative is too horrifying to consider.

No one has to. That’s what Republican media does daily.

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Any person in Trump’s campaign that ever talked to any Russian ever in their lifetime
is probably a suspect to the Democratic party.