A request- Please stop with the "you want people to die" posts

Didn’t Trump say 100,000 deaths would be considered a success? I’d say that is as celebratory as Hillary’s comment.

(I think neither of which are celebratory btw)

Who knew. Crazy.

Ain’t that the truth? Yet in this thread he is fine divining what libs think.

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its not hard, all you gotta do is flip over to cnn, msnbc, and read the times to find out what thoughts the masters approve of.

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You libs are pretty clear in what you say.

Physician, heal thyself.


None of which addresses how upset you get when you feel a lib improperly puts words in your mouth but you regularly divine the thoughts of liberals. I’m not the one that goes apoplectic in those instances. I correct and move on.

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Don’t misunderstand me. I am in no way defending ANYONE in the accusation made in the op.

It is dirty posting to do that.

My point is that it’s not the one-sided coin that libs seem to be making it in this thread.

If you’re going to call for an end to something, it’s worthless to do so if you aren’t willing to see it in yourself and pledge to stop it too.


Agreed 100%. I do not believe conservatives or liberals are interested in rising death tolls here.

Take a breath dude, and stow the ersatz indignation.

I didn’t have to put words into anyone’s mouth. Including yours. Your own words are there plain as day.

That is disappointing. You are a poster I really admire. So be it.

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What is so difficult to understand about the OP? If anybody hasn’t done so, I second that. All in favor, say aye.

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To quote yourself:

][quote=“toreyj01, post:79, topic:229064”]

That is disappointing. You are a poster I really admire. So be it.

Your post was directed at only one side.

You could have replied, “Well, I didn’t really mean for my statement to come across as one sided…” But no, you chose to denigrate me for pointing out what you said.

So be it.

Libs in this thread took umbrage at the notion that they have done precisely what is being paid on Conservatives.

I gave examples from three such libs. I really don’t want to have to do it for you too.


Relax bud

Damn. If that post sounded bitter to you, I really can’t help you further.

Look. I gave you a quote of you doing what you and your lib colleagues are complaining about. That should be enough for you to slink away in shame. But I really don’t expect that from any lib here.

So be it.

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And stop…

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You are correct…

Yep. This COVID thing is the only time I’ve seen the claim of others wanting people to die, which is different from the claim of not being as concerned about it, which is what was showcased in the quotes. Relative concern over matters of death is a common political debate (ex, terrorism, drug policy, etc)

That’s my defense of the quotes attributed to you and I - which should be rightly allowed to be defended for the false equivalency, and the nature of the accusation, namely that I or you have claimed that others want people to die.

Level of concern when people die != actively hoping people die. The former is the root of political differences on matters related to security. The latter is just sociopathic.


Agreed. I’m glad you addressed it as I just didn’t have the energy. But you are 100% correct.


Nicely put.