What are all the negative impacts of going green? Let's list them all here

We lament our dependence on Chinese microchips, and then complain when someone tries to manufacture them domestically.

I don’t care if it takes an increase in smoke-spewing coal power plants to produce more stuff domestically. We need to do that as a matter of national security when it comes to certain items.


Pretty sure the point is NY won’t build them.

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Yes, that’s the overarching upshot of the article.

Let them eschew the the economic infusion this would generate. “Green” is the word!

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They had Amazon in the bag, then nuked it from orbit.

Why wouldn’t they kill even more jobs due to green concerns?

Yup. Had that in mind when I wrote that last reply.


Researchers combined radar data with cameras to identify the species of seabird and create a three-dimensional image of birds’ flight patterns and how they avoid rotor blades.

The study looked at the movements of herring gulls, gannets, kittiwakes, great black-backed gulls in detail from April to October, when bird activity is at its height

Great news!

I know lots of people really care about birds.

Yea what do you know? Proves what libs say about GOP and renewable energy is just a lie like everything else including what you wrote in your post.

It’s not the turbines killing the whales and birds, it’s cLiMaTe ChAnGe!1!

Doesn’t that prove that the wind turbines change their flight patterns due to them? Environmentalist always want things stopped because of how it affects wildlife.

Good on you, man! Keep it up. As for me I ain’t got jack at the moment. I’d like to look into some solar panels. I live in a valley so I’d like to know if the amount of sunlight I get throughout the day would make it worth it.

There are websites for that, just look up solar estimator.

I wouldn’t call this a comprehensive study would you?

“But a new study conducted by European energy company Vattenfall shows that offshore wind turbines at one UK wind farm”

This also doesn’t change the fact that many birds have been killed by wind turbines and that many many more will continue to be killed by wind turbines. From my other link in this thread:

Adjusting for this industry growth, we can project that approximately 538,000 wind turbine-caused bird deaths occur in the U.S. each year.

What the hey? Are sea birds smarter than terrestrial birds? :thinking:

Will do. Thanks, man!


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Breitbart had to scroll past a lot of headlines of too much domestic renewable energy to find one headline of a peaker plant briefly turning on for a peak, like it’s supposed to. They must be happy.

Storage will catch up soon.

Correct. It’s about the elite depopulating the plant to a more manageable herd of hands and mouths.

Going green isn’t a bad idea, but how fast? and in what order? And are there other planetary issues besides climate that we could deal with sooner, faster and cheaper and solving them would make more lives better.soomer.
People who have their basic food, water, housing and renergy and education requirements have more interest in making their environment more beautiful and clean and a motive to work on innovating solutions to environmental problems. With more educated minds focused on innovating cheaper, cleaner, ecofriendly alternatives, more innovations can be expected.

100 latge electric cars driven in the US will have very little effect on the CO2 emissions reduction. The same amount of money spent on electric motorbikes in megacities around the world would reduce traffic congestion and have a much greater effect on reducing CO2, if that is actually a serious problem, which I doubt.

Restricting growth in energy per capita in the developing world will have little impact on CO2 emissions and kill a lot of the poor.

:rofl: you believe that?