Waukesha what is going on with Wisconsin

Oh look, someone didn’t watch the trial.

In our town they block off streets and have “festivals” all the time, with not just a few kids in the street, so excuse me if it sounds like victim blaming here.

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Ship them off and don’t bring them back…ever.


None so blind as they who Will not see as the old saying goes.


Keep it up Nipper.

I’ll take that as a “yes”. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Yes, it is ironic to see how extremely liberal Glenn Greenwald and Jimmy Dore are attacked since they don’t mindlessly repeat the baseless lies coming from the state-controlled media.

As Tucker Carlson points out, the Waukesha driver is looking more and more like a Black nationalist racist who was carrying out racist retribution as a result of the Rittenhouse verdict.

The lying media have blood on their hands.

The attack is looking it has parallels with the attack in the December 2019 in Jersey City and the murder of the Capitol Policeman in February 2021.

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Looks like a real Charlottesville. But gosh no media hysteria. So carful…


Our town parks city trucks on all side streets so access is blocked off

I get it…but that’s not who I am. I’m not a victim blamer. Just pointing out a flaw in the plan here. Again root cause analysis and all.

Root cause? Oh my.

Except from the Right Wing media.

You guys just don’t see it, do you?

Wait what? He is? But he is a conservative white male? You said so

And that ages him how?

It is not possible for the New York Times to “violate” attorney-client privilege.

So now he is a white conservative male who is too young to understand what he supports?

This is fascinating. I would like to know more.

See…“War on Christmas”

Of course it’s a first amendment violation. It’s a violation of the No Prior Restraint doctrine.

Gag orders against the media are presumptively unconstitutional.

What’s the reason?


That’s a ridiculous statement.

Yes, it is. They are part of the case, not an outside observer.

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