Waukesha what is going on with Wisconsin

How come the times can’t report on them?

Isn’t this a first amendment problem?


Ok, so we have established you don’t know anything about the case.

I know the times can’t report on them.

That’s a first amendment violation.


No it isn’t. The times is involved in a defamation case with O’Keefe, they don’t get to smear him while that’s ongoing. Done deflecting yet?


The FBI raided PV using the pretext of the Biden diary and the confidential attorney-client communications were leaked to the New York Times, which is being sued by PV.

The real question is why are the FBI and the Times working together to violate the constitutional rights of their political enemies?


Because it’s a common enemy. Just like conservatives

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Yes, Democrats want to empty federal prisons except for political prisoners.

They want constitutional rights except for their political opponents.

Similar logic is going on in Wisconsin. Compare the media’s treatment of Rittenhouse and Brooks.


May as well face it, we are going CCP route, so is Europe, Canada and Australia. Nowhere left to go.

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One hopeful sign is that the Rittenhouse trial has been a giant red pill for many Democrats.

The incredibly biased coverage of the Waukesha massacre and its obvious links to the Rittenhouse verdict adds to that trend.

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Freedom of the press is in the constitution, is it not?


I really like Tim Pool as well. The best part is, as soon as anyone on the left breaks orthodoxy in the slightest they are immediately labeled far right and ostracized. I am just not so sure there will be any more elections.

It’s not absolute, it’s not like gag orders are new. There is a reason the courts don’t agree with their frankly, stupid, legal claims that they should be allowed to report on someone they are in a suite against whose privileged client-attorney communications they published. You might want to worry less about that and what the FBI is up to. You might want to also note, the rest of the press are backing Veritas, not the NYT.

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After they reported on it and violated attorney-client privilege. The NYT is a litigant in the case.


Right Wing media is little more than an outrage machine always looking for the next thing to freak out over. And if there isn’t anything they will make something up.

Remind me how many black people racist militia member Kyle who crossed state lines with an illegal gun killed again?


You’re talking about a single instance, I’m talking about a decades long effort to brain wash the under informed and weak willed.

Open your left eye.

The Right Wing media strikes again…. :rofl:

No…they don’t have to make things up. It’s a target rich environment to find outrageous things. Where should we start…13 dead soldiers due to Brandon pulling out the military before our civilians so he could make a speech on 9/11 telling the world how great an accomplishment he did? How about the current price of gas due to his destroying our energy independence on day 1? How about telling the world he’d gladly pay for the health insurance of illegal aliens, stopping the border wall construction and then millions crossing our border in his first year in office? Where do you want to start? Ignoring these truths makes you ignorant of the truth. Are you?


What you are seeing is Left Wing media doing a piss poor job trying to catch up with Right Wing media.

They both suck.