Waukesha what is going on with Wisconsin

Yet true. Probably interest convergence.

No, it isn’t. Whether they are part of the case is irrelevant. Attorney-client privilege exists between a client and their attorney. Any information that is disclosed to a third party - even a party to the case - is no longer privileged.

Now, whoever leaked that information to the NYTimes - if it was one of PV’s attorneys - may have violated the privilege. Or, more likely, someone committed a crime in stealing the information to leak to the Times.

But none of that matters, because once the Times has that information, prohibiting them from publishing it is prior restraint.

It’s definitely not true.

And Dr Suess, Mr Potato Head…

No they don’t they are all in on the notion that the “left” is out to destroy their way of life and they are gonna be dammed if they let it happen

Anger, fear and hatred.

The “libs” got them here they have no choice…

He is eighteen, hasn’t even been to college yet, so yes, he likely knows very little about anything.

Oh, you haven’t heard the left chattering about how Trump and Republicans are planning to steal the election in 2024 and must be stopped “at all costs and by any means necessary”?

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Excellent and yet he is a conservative. Or that’s may be why he is a “conservative.” :slight_smile:

That was just a guess, I could of course be wrong. But usually the left is seen starting fires, not risking their lives to put them out. Respect the diversity of tactics comrade.

So you have never been to a street festival then, because “gasp” it is held in the street.

Do you not get that 99.9999% of the time, those that come up to a parade and sees the road is closed, well they follow.the detour.

Sorry, but your comment screams “tone deafness” and blaming the people who went to a Christmas parade to have some fun because “gasp” some were off of the curb and in the street which was CLOSED to vehicular traffic. Silly me, the ONLY person at fault here is the individual who drove his SUV through the barriers, and swerved from side to side targeting people.

If you want to blame anyone other than the racist who did it, blame it on the towns government for not investing in steel bollards instead of the plastic barriers they used. My town has them and we have a quarter of their population. Not like this is the first car to plow into a crowd.

But usually it’s the right that blows up federal buildings and murders church and synagogue goers. See how silly that sounds?

You need to look up the word usually.

Nah i am good. I said it sounds silly for a reason. Myopic posts deserve myopic responses.

It wasn’t just a guess. It was more victimhood. “He is a victim like me!”

You are the one that wanted to argue my personal opinion of something was false as if I stated a fact.

They did publish it and you are wrong.
