US, North Korea break off nuclear talks after months of negotiations

They already had their nukes and everything necessary to complete them before Trump took office.

We’re starving them out and cutting off supplies of nuclear material and tech from the rest of the world.

The US, UK, Australia all have unilateral sanctions in place against NK and we’ve lead the way in the UN to pass and implement UN sanctions against them since early in the Bush Administration.

If we weren’t retarding his development he’d already have a stockpile of workable ICBM’s Medium range NBM’s and short range missiles and bombs.

I never said U-3 isn’t the “official” unemployment number. However, just like any number, it has to be taken in context.

Lol…you cant be serious…they have enough nukes now. There is no material to starve.

Ooo sanctions…that didnt work either because you have china helping them.

They have short…and we think they might be able to hit us now. Do you ever read about anything that isnt about guns?.

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You’re just making things up and we both know it.

Exactly how many nukes does NK have now? Types? Links to support your claims please.

The sanctions are obviously having an effect as we can see the effects on their economy.

The CRS says between 35 and 60 nuclear warheads.

Here’s much more detailed information from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

The Japanese say North Korea has now successfully miniaturized nuclear weapons.

But you’re not going to believe anything that doesn’t fit your narrative, so why bother?

All you have produced are estimates of what they might have. You realize this don’t you?

How many would they have produced by now absent the sanctions and maximum pressure campaign?

When did estimates start bothering you?

Ah the old - I don’t believe estimates, I need to see it with my own two eyes or it’s not real routine. Ignore US and other government intelligence agencies and the nuclear science community. You get to decide (make up) what they do or don’t have. Guess you’re the North Korea nuclear expert here! That’s cute, and oh so predictable.


Trump has been blasting the Taylor Swift all day in the Oval Office.

Polls are not pie in the sky estimates based on what we think they are capable of.

Plas burped out a pile of unsupportable BS try to cover for his last failed claim that we hadn’t put any sanctions on NK.

The point was (and I can’t believe I actually have to say it) you accept estimates when they are convenient to your point but not someone else’s.

Which isn’t true.

Plas made a claim that isn’t supportable period.

Sanctions didn’t stop them from going from an estimated 1 or 2 in 1999 to an estimated 20 or 30 today. Now, to be fair, Trump wasn’t the President for the first 16 years of that increase, but they HAVE acquired more under his watch.

All things being equal, hes done no better or worse on that front. Where he HAS done worse, however, is the fact that he singlehandedly legitimized a despot, and for nothing in return.

And before you try to make the claim that they would have had more without the sanctions that are in place…its kinda silly to try to hang your hat on the fact that instead of being able to build 100 nukes they were only able to build 10. They still built more nukes AND Trump gave them legitimacy they didn’t have on the world stage prior to him and Kim falling in and then out of love.

Thanks Donald!!!

You stick to that story, son. Even if it’s not true.

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Nobody claimed the sanctions stopped them from developing nukes.

They had already achieved Nuclear Capability before Trump became president and had developed all of the necessary production lines to produce both nukes and ways to deliver them.

Like it or not the threats by NK are far less frequent and far less grave than they were in 2016 and at least we’re on a path towards denuclearization which is something none of the prior presidents were able to achieve.

Ok, then show us how these claims are true.

Pure conjecture.


saying that the week that the north were seen developing SSBM…


What path towards denuclearization? They just walked away from the bargaining table, which is basically them all but saying “so long, and thanks for all the fish.”

They are basically free to do what they want now, and we know that even with the sanctions, China seems more than willing to help them out.

Not sure how you are spinning this into a positive at all.

No conjecture about it. Kim isn’t threatening the Nuke the US or Japan, or ayone else on a regular basis like his father was doing at the end of his life or like he was going after he first took office.