Tucker Carlson misses the point: our socialist/communist crowd promotes democracy!

Why do you stay?

If I felt as you, I would get the hell out of here.

I am in the swath I do care about.

Where would you go?

Never really thought about it, as I do not have disdain for vast swaths of the union.
Have considered retiring out of country…but that is more for economic reasons. Fortunately, if things go as planned…we should be fine here.
(wherever here turns out to be within the state(s))

I don’t believe that for a minute.

Not everyone is like you Sneak.

I actually believe in, and practice the golden rule.

That hasn’t been the case for a hundred years. The only interests being served by senators today are the interests of their respective parties.

Your posts tell a different story, as does your desire to impose.

I am what your impositions made me.

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Modern perspective: Contemporary

It hasn’t so much “changed” as it just varies and the Founders ascribed more features to it than others have. In its most root definition, a republic is simply a state where the head of state isn’t a monarch or some form of inherited position. The Founders felt it also meant a representative form of government.

You seemed to be trying to imply something.

Modernity in the sense that the speed of travel and information has led to a greater interconnection between the people of one state and another.

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If by “respective parties” you mean special interest groups and massive campaign donors, sure.

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What posts of mine tell this “story”? Not specifics…in general.

I do not control you. If society moves in a direction you do not like, deal with it, or try to change through the ballot box.

No I mean Republican and Democratic parties.

Yup! The 17th Amendment was another move to establish a “democracy”, which Tucker Carlson embraces with open arms.


They are not whistleblowers. They are shadow government operatives who are working to take down a president who refuses to cave into domestic communists, socialists, and international GLOBALISTS who have been plundering America’s wealth for the past two generations.

Well, Mr. Turtle, that is balderdash. Do we vote on rights?

I asked you how popular vote has worked out with the other example that we have. I’m not sure what’s not clear.

Ok, so what?

All of them.

Right, you impose. “Society” - how convenient.

“I cannot actually address your question so I will just blurt out a continuing stream of word salad”./paraphrase

We can/have through the constitutional amendment process.

We’ve been electing Senators via the popular vote for over 100 years now, so your question is kind of impossible to answer because even if there was a change due to the switch on the popular vote it would be hard to prove a direct correlation because there are so many other factors that have changed… so if you could be more specific in your question or better provide some examples of the degradation you are probably implying then perhaps we can get somewhere or maybe even agree on something that I’m not aware of.

The states are less isolated from one another. I believe the individual citizen views themselves as a US citizen over a state citizen more so than they did say 100+ years ago.

Same difference.