Trump “Looking Into” Removing Security Clearances of his “Enemies”

Post your independent thoughts Joanne.

I already know what Washington compost say…or CNN…Or FOX, or Drudge.

It’s same O same O.

You don’t think for one moment that Compost has invested interest in turning people against the economy…use your head. Trump is going to run on economy…the compost is going to talk down the economy.

Under this definition, every country in the world would be socialist, including the US. Here’s a fairly decent article form Business Insider:

Unlike Socialists, Democratic Socialists don’t want the government to own the means of production, but would rather like to see ‘socialistic’ programs enacted, like universal healthcare, etc.

And yet once again you demonstrate your complete ignorance as to what a lib is.

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Lol, he can’t even get a Top Secret clearance for his Son-in-law.

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Why should it matter who gets voted in. The fact is real people will suffer.

The problem is that due to the political discourse terms like lib and socialist and progressive attached to anything is misrepresented and considered bad.

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I can’t for the life of me understand why she is ignoring this and torey’s good post here: Trump “Looking Into” Removing Security Clearances of his “Enemies” - #79 by toreyj01

I don’t see any reason his security clearance would matter to CNN. Unless of course he is sharing secret information with them.

No. This is nothing remotely like fascism.

Trump is being a snake.

Right now you’re putting up blocks to knowledge and information based on an ignorance you’re completely suited to overcome.

I doubt, once you’re fully informed, that you’ll be identifying as a Democratic Socialist. I certainly didn’t. But at least my opposition comes from a place of knowledge and not a feeling about a word I’m misinterpreting.

Yes he can and did.


from About Us - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

We are socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit

Got my levels messed up. Correction:

He can’t even get his Son-in-law the clearance needed for his job. SCI

Kushner’s lack of SCI access suggests that the CIA has not signed off on his receiving that level of intelligence, security experts said. The White House security office has authority to independently grant a “top secret” clearance after reviewing a staffer’s FBI background investigation.

“Big government” does not reference anything meaningful.


You still haven’t come back to your big washington times scoop thread.

It misses you dearly.

You may want to close your edit, I almost edited by mistake as n replying.

I see Podesta isn’t one of the five.

So does that mean Mueller going after him too?

That is a fair assessment.

Could be. I hope so. We certainly won’t be finding out from the Washington Times, Gateway Pundit, Pj Media, or Tucker Carlson’s magic source though will we?