Trump “Looking Into” Removing Security Clearances of his “Enemies”

well, that’s not true. you gonna hide intel from military members now Gomer?

deficits/debt has exploded under the guy you voted for.

right im so glad we have this guy in the white house

I say go for it… We could use some nice case law on revocation of clearance as retribution… If only one of those on his list was a lawyer…


Democratic Socialism (Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez style) is very similar to what America was from 1932-1981.

Strong unions.
Economic regulations
Higher taxes on the wealthy
plenty of infrastructure spending.
Government as employer when no decent jobs are available.
State college was basically free.

Some call that era the Greatest Generation.


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About time! Get the Communist-Liberals off our soil.

No big loss. The tax cuts weren’t about helping workers. That was just added grease to get the real intended benefits passed.

So not only have you sided with libs…you’re now posting Washington Compost propaganda.

that money was just some scrapes that Trump and Republicans had to throw at supporters to get the massive tax cuts (for Trump and people like him) through without them screaming.

the con worked perfectly.

True Believer at work.

i’m not sure if you know this, but you’re probably one of the last people on earth that a fair minded person would come to for info on what is/isn’t biased/propaganda.

The tariffs are destroying jobs of people who actually voted for Trump. It’s probably going to result in Claire McCaskill winning yet again

So which links are acceptable, besides Fox, Gateway Pundit and Trumpbart?

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I’m not talking about what he may have felt or said when he was a hippie college student.

In the 28 years that he’s been a member of Congress, has he ever campaigned on seizing the means of production?

Has he ever sponsored a bill that would outlaw captitalism?

World Nut Daily has been one to his go to links.

I think ZeroHedge is acceptable. Of course they are just an offshoot of RT and Putin. :rofl:

Then there is the whole “tax cut will create higher wages”.

Am I reading that y-axis right? That over the course of a single quarter, real wages compared to 2006 declined nearly two percent, and that real wages in Q1 were more than 7.5% below 2006 levels?

I gotta think the precipitous decline is an aberration or that there was a monstrous spike in inflation.