Trump “Looking Into” Removing Security Clearances of his “Enemies”

Umm thats illegal.

**[quote=“MrOldTimer3.0, post:116, topic:8009, full:true”]

You mean sorta like the Obama regime punished candidate Trump for daring to run as a Republican?



man, President Trump is acting guilty as hell. i wonder how long he’s known that Mueller (probably) has the goods on him/his team.

They began investigating him in the fall of 2016, Obama was still President, shouldn’t he have revoked his clearances?

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This is so typical of you. calling principled conservatives “lib” while you either defend or ignore every stupid thing Trump does.

All because you wanted him to burn down the R party, and Ds never to regain power again. Or something.


He’s unhinged. That’s one of his calmer statements.

Oh cry me a river. You sided with libs long ago…so don’t preach to me about being principled conservative.

He isin’t using it for corporations interest now is he? He’s using it for political reasons.

All the more to cut him off.

It’s not just “libs” who oppose Trump.

Oh, and we are on track for a one trillion dollar deficit.

Things are going great.

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You know you libs aren’t entitled to anything…least of all goverment secrets/intel.

Do you have a link with a date on when they started investigating Flynn? Because I didn’t think that started till after the election. But before that, when he was chanting at the campaign events, it never would have occurred to the Obama administration to revoke his clearance. Because they’re professionals. Not petulant children.

And if we had it your way the courts would have been 6/3. Goverment controlled healthcare and trillion plus deficit.

He’s a CNN contributer. He’s using it for his job just like many former military and high level govt jobs folks do on Fox.

Sorry…but too bad.

You want to change it…then vote commie in 2020.

Brennan never should have had one to begin with. And a guy who voted for Gus Hall for President has a lot of nerve of accusing anyone else of being too cozy with the Russians.

Always back to the same old same old. There doesn’t seem to be a single day that goes by that Trump doesn’t tweet/say/do something ridiculous.

But he’s got Rand Paul in his corner.

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Truth hurt Joanne?

How is he using it for his job at CNN exactly.

Trump could literally shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single supporter.

Truer words have never been spoken.

You’ll have to ask all the networks who employ these guys.