These new 302 mueller memos are gonna be a hoot

I just opened a thread for highlights of the memos, as I did with the Mueller Report.

Opposition Research?

That’s cute!

Lock her up!

Still laughing at that one.

Maybe Santa Trump will get to that yet?

Lol no he won’t, he was lying the whole time, ginning up the Revanchist Herd.

Moo moo moo.


He’ll play golf before he does anything about Clinton. Golf is more important to him.

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I am thinking now of Nixon and Viet Nam. Reagan and Iran, need I go on?

I am thinking of laundry bags of Chinese money going to the Clinton Campaign.

Then I wonder why is a country that helped with the dossier, was invaded by Russia during the previous reign of Biden, treated as something new.

Finally I wonder why the Us withheld offensive military aid from Ukraine to oppose Russia.

yet it is only a problem when Trump does it.

last question, is destroying evidence the same as finding no evidence.

if a police officer lets the mafia into an evidence room does that mean there is no evidence?

Lol and spending the entire business day mornings in Executive Time: spray tanning, watching TV, twitting, ordering Big Macs, ginning up the Revanchist Herd, promising weak and fetid lies like Lock Her Up.

So funny.

sealed testimony, how do we know what was said?

Florida has Big Macs for less. Good move.

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Again - the Obama-Clinton-Biden criminal cabal will be brought to justice next year when the trials begin.

Now that’s out of the way - did Donald do anything illegal or even just unethical when he withheld aid to Ukraine in order to enlist their help in taking down a political opponent?

Remember - the left is already guilty and will be dealt with next year. Please don’t dip back into that deflection well.

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You don’t. This is just fake news promoted by the Deep State media. Good pickup there, nothing to worry about.

Besides, Donald didn’t do anything wrong, or if he did he wasn’t aware it was wrong to do it. Most innocent POTUS ever!

based on the information released so far he has done nothing unusual or wrong.

Well this is just getting sad.


Back in June when the Mueller Report came out, I created a thread to feature some highlights so that people would be given the opportunity to read important sections of it.

It’s my feeling that the new Mueller memos that were published today by Buzzfeed will be highly important as well. So I’m going to try and highlight some information from them in this thread.

Here are the first highlights. They’re taken from Robert Gates’ testimony and show how that the RNC not only welcomed the release of the Clinton emails by Wikileaks but that they had some inside knowledge on their release. Some of these memos have redactions and in that case I’ve only copied in the parts (for the most part) that aren’t.

Notice in the last portion that Gates said Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manifort had contact with “Russia types.”

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More on the release of the Wikileaks info and its effect on the Trump campaign. They were clearly elated over their release. It looks like the campaign did have some knowledge of when it was coming, though there is material redacted here that might have given more information.

These notes just change everything. Please fill up the forum with them.

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how dare we talk about the news on a website created to talk about the news.


News? Those are notes that were all incorporated into a report that was issued months ago. The report that Dems in this forum kept asking me “Will you accept the results of the report”…and now they wont.

This is proof that Donald Trump is a politician like all others and he should be impeached for lying that he was different.

imagine a politician lying.

Wow. That’s earth shattering news.

Who would think a political campaign would want dirt on a political rival that a foreign government already had possession of?

Looks like these leaks put the whole “collusion” daydream to bed. The Russians already had the emails, they didn’t collude with Trump to steal them.

It comes down to this… The Trump Camp, and TrumpCons can’t keep discrediting and impugning person after person who keep saying virtually the same thing. They have to stop saying everyone else is lying…and start to understand…it is Trump and his camp doing the lying. Think about it for just a second.