These new 302 mueller memos are gonna be a hoot

For one thing the statute of limitations is past on most things she did, however, a criminal investigation has just begun on the origins of the dossier so who knows who may be caught in that net. Still like to see Hillary in one of those orange jump suits but not holding my breath…

Seems to me that Mueller should have put all that in a report along with a conclusion as to whether there was any collusion between Russia and anyone in the Trump campaign.
If he did that, I would certainly agree to accept his conclusions.

In fact, I remember a lot posters asking me if I would accept the results of his report.

They’ve never mattered to Democrats before.

Because she was cleared of all the imaginary stuff thrown at her.


No no, we have it on good authority that the investigations against her and the entire DEMOCRAT apparatus are being concluded and trials begin next November. Have faith.

This impeachment thing says differently.

Funny thing, she was exonerated before she was interviewed. Now that’s some extraordinary justice! And just why wasn’t she held accountable for the subpoenaed evidence she deliberately destroyed? I know, BECAUSE SHES A DEMOCRAT!


You may never run out of insults to toss, but do you have any evidence?

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“This impeachment thing” approved purely upon political lines and certain to be voted against in the Senate says that the Democrats are abusing their offices by holding a fake impeachment for personal political gain.

Sure. It’s almost Christmas. Build up a great big bunch of hope that Trump gets removed from office by Santa Schiff and then we get to watch Grinch McConnell steal your present! And then next year see Trump and lots more Republicans get elected AGAIN! by all means call and urge your Democrat Congressmen to IMPEACH 45!!!

Evidence? Hillary destroyed it. Seriously, how does anyone get away with destroying subpoenaed evidence?

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For the past thirty-three months, the US has had a Republican Attorney General and a President who repeated intoned “Lock her up!” At any time in those thirty-three months the AG could have empaneled a Grand Jury and brought charges.

The fact that no such effort was made is a very strong proof that despite what the Conservative Entertainment Complex claims, there is no case to be made. How else can you explain it?


Lol abusing their office…

I…e. we are butthurt we are being called on our crap


Hillary lost bro, get over it.


Or maybe those aren’t actually facts.


That Trump was more concerned about fulfilling his promises then doing what the Democrats have done (nothing) with endless investigations.

How many times did Trump promise to “Lock her up.”

That goes along with his promise to balance the budget in eight years, replace Obamacare with something better, have Mexico pay for the wall, reinvigorate manufacturing, bring back coal jobs, increase middle class wages, promote gay rights and negotiate better trade deals.

He’s been a lot busier tweeting insults and playing golf than fulfilling his promises.

So your position is that the entire DOJ has been so buy carrying out Trump policies they couldn’t get around to presenting the Clinton email case to a Grand Jury? Hardly seems credible. What policies have kept the Republican-led DOJ so busy?


Lol endless…that’s ballsy given clinton

Like a pack of wild hyenas. lol

Lock her up!

Promises made, promises failed.