These new 302 mueller memos are gonna be a hoot

I heard he is rage tweeting over all this…that’s hilarious that he is such a pile of ■■■■ criminal.

I really enjoyed the Bannon quote about 2010

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Here’s the original story of the memos from Buzzfeed.

Direct link to the memos:

This may even be better than the Mueller Report because of the background info that wasn’t included there. And a Buzzfeed reporter said today there’s about 10,000 pages (edit: Make that 40,000). Woot! Woot! #factsmatter

RNC “indicated” it had advance knowledge of timing of WikiLeaks releases? :flushed::flushed:

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This is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Its gonna take 8 years to dump it all once a month

FYI, Roger Stone’s trial starts next week.

Fake news! Deep State! Obama Clinton Biden! Both sides! Orangeman bad! TDS! Not technically illegal!



Hopefully, he is found guilty.

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Welcome to the “law and order” administration everyone!


First off, he isn’t rage tweeting. Donald Trump never rage tweets. He ONLY tweets when he’s perfectly calm.

Secondly, there is nothing wrong with Donald Trump wanting the stolen Democratic emails. I think everybody would have done the same thing if they were put in a similar situation. Democrats aren’t exactly in a moral position to legitimately claim the high ground on this. We all saw the way they treated Hillary Clinton and the corrupt things she was doing in Ukraine with Biden. Don’t try to pull the wool over our eyes!

You guys got him now…:crazy_face:


Donald only acts the way he does because he’s committed to rooting out corruption. You know - for America and stuff!

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It comes down to this…

The Trump Camp, and TrumpCons can’t keep discrediting and impugning person after person who keep saying virtually the same thing.

They have to stop saying everyone else is lying…and start to understand…it is Trump and his camp doing the lying.

Think about it for just a second.


You are right that we don’t have him, but we have something of much greater importance over time — we have the truth.

Power never beats truth in the long run.


They can’t defend his lying or his corruption. All they can do is lash out at others, deflect, or ignore.

The Senate will never impeach Donald, this is true. But that’s not where Trump Nation’s fear, panic, and desperation manifests. It comes from knowing they went all in for this man for the sake of revenge for having to endure 8 years of Obama. They abandoned whatever semblance of consistency and principle they had to do it. They got their revenge, but that’s become more bitter than sweet anymore.


Not even bittersweet. It still tastes like pure cane sugar.

Glad you enjoy what the idiot (your word) has spoon-fed you.

It’s not even from his spoon. Most tears are salty, lib tears are sweet on liberal taste buds.

As an added benefit, he’s making it rain and gave me judges and a tax cut. When he gets reelected he’s going to make the cut permanent.