These new 302 mueller memos are gonna be a hoot

Its ok if they lie

Yeah…it is…but people don’t have to accept being lied to.

Support the President

Yeah, we’ve heard the same ol’ song-and-dance so often before. Republicans si, Democrats no.

Nope, why should I?

Just kidding

I was trying to be ironic

What? :joy:

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you seem confused

You’re gonna sprain a muscle moving the goalposts so quickly.


Appointing Barr was a smart thing for Trump to do, your right.

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Absolutely. Undermining any independence at DOJ was a key element both to protecting the Trump Administration from consequences of its actions and further centralizing power in the Presidency.

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Once again- How did Mueller let this go?

He was told to wrap it up…

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That’s not a goalpost move.

The whole investigation started because you guys were certain he colluded with Russia to hack Clinton’s emails.

The tiny snipets he just posted proves that wasn’t the case. They found out the Russians had the emails.

Finding out they already had them and being excited about their release is not collusion. It’s not anything.

Not really. When this whole “Trump works with Russia” thing started the major talk was suspicion that he had something to do with stealing the emails. I remember that well enough because I posted several times that the Russians didn’t need Trump’s expertise or permission to do what they did.
Both the fact that someone had to tell Papad… that the Russians had emails and the fact that some guy involved in entertainment in UK had to be used to set up a failed meeting show how ludicrous the dossier was when it talked about some system connecting information back and forth from Trump and Russia.

The real goal post change was when you all dropped that Trump had anything to do with secret connectons to Russia or with stealing the emails and went on ahead with stuff like he wanted them to release the emails.

He didn’t. He came to a conclusion some people don’t like.

I never know anymore. Thanks for letting me know.

I’d advise you to read the Buzzfeed docs. They’re damning.

I may do that sometime.
But, as I was asked to do many times, I accept the result of the Mueller report.
Memos aren’t proof. The largely anti Trump Mueller team had to go in and evaluate all these memos to reach their conclusion…no evidence of cooperation between the Trump campaign and Russia.
I see no need to try to second guess their decision with the same memos they had available. Is it likely we are in a better position to judge the whole than they were?

If ‘result of Mueller report’ means Barr’s summary, you are sadly misinformed.