Talk About Tone Deaf - Decoupling Starbucks

China. When they start out this important conversation with a lie stating that there’s no evidence of person to person transmission, thus allowing infected people out of Wuhan to infect the entire world, they own it 100%…period.

okay, champ. whatever you say. It appears you© aren’t interested in discussion, only the blame game.


So, in your opinion, Trump’s handling of this has crisis been flawless?

You assumed. Don’t assume. I just think it doesn’t matter

Starbucks had to invest in China to build their coffee shops.

Ford, GM, Tesla, Walmart, Target, Amazon, Apple all invest in China. I wish they didn’t but they do and that is all because of capitalism.

I didn’t say you did, but you complained without offering a solution. So I asked if that solution is government intervention.

I agree but they do. How do we stop it?

Sound good in theory, in practice it isn’t going to happen. Not without government intervention

Yup…those that constantly cry how bad the government is, somehow fail to recognize, the only thing that can fix the government, is the government.

Japan isn’t a communist country with slave labor. I have never said we shouldn’t trade with Japan or Europe or even have manufaturing in those places. I am talking about putting out manufacturing in hostile communist countries where they have to put safety nets around the buildings to prevent all the people jumping to their deaths while being beat by Big Boss MAN number 32.

I don’t understand why this is so hard to understand, we wouldn’t tolerate our workers being treated like this in the U.S. why ship it to a country that does this sort of thing.


What happen in United States, Trump on down to local communities and everything in between. There is plenty of blame to go around.

And I was first one that stated that after the first death in Washington state.

Keep in mind we funded CDC almost a Trillion dollars…that’s with a T over 70 years for this day to happen. And they failed.

Now go blame that one Trump too.

This thread is not about the handling of anything.

I’d start with the last one. Pretty much dead on your preferred topic.

We don’t grow the coffee in the US, it doesn’t need to make a pit stop here.

Starbucks already gets most of it’s coffee from Asia.
“Naturally, Starbucks sources arabica coffee from three key growing regions, Latin America, Africa, and Asia-Pacific, a spokesperson for the coffee empire confirms, but their signature coffee blends are mostly from the Asia-Pacific region.”

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Dutch Bros was pretty fantastic when I was in California. Wish they had some out here.

China, certainly.

Who do you think has more influence on our relationship with China, Starbucks or President Trump?

And that’s how it always work isn’t it? We opening a plant in China to help promote their products in China. Then 10 years later in cost cutting measures it’s always the American plant that gets cut.

It’s how we got into this position we are now in.


No but that isn’t what was asked? China is totally responsible for the good, the bad and the ugly regarding the entire Wuhan corona pandemic and will till the end of time. The fact that they bought up all of the protective medical gear in December and January proves they knew they were lying. Now add to this, they are attempting to resell this equipment back to the world but at a price many times what they paid for it…places them into the category of evil. The CCP is pure ■■■■ from here on out…period.

They’ve been investing and making money there for 20 years. Capitalist success.



That will be determined going forward. Thus far, Trump has shown better leadership than Pelosi, Cuomo, DeBlasio or any other individual making decisions for their constituents regarding this pandemic.

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No, I didn’t assume anything. You flat out said “Yes, explain it…”

Yes, they do. This thread is about Starbucks.

There you go again. I didn’t complain. I described the situation and offered a solution - stop doing business with them. Guess who else I don’t do business with? Tesla, Ford, GM, Target and Apple. Once in a great while Walmart. Amazon a lot, searching for an alternative.

Like I said, buy American.

Horse ■■■■■

Good Lord. You really believe that.

Japan is representative nation. Also Japan open plants in United States.

Hell Toyota Tundra has more American made parts in it then Chevy.

We funded Wuhan research too.