SARS-like virus spreading rapidly in China; cities quarantined; cases in US

I already laid them out.

That’s genuine concern by global health authorities.

There isn’t enough yet known about this virus to know it’s potential.

The only fact you gave in response to my post was something about travel precautions. What real facts did you lay out?

See above.

15 posts on your part. A link to a Yahoo article and zero facts to back your paranoia. Plenty is known. The entire virus genome has been sequenced. Mortality and reproduction rates have been calculated and are continuing to be updated.

I know science and statistics aren’t going to change your mind. You can continue to ignore them.

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China’s is using the ‘crisis’ to up it’s prestige to the world by going for the world record time for building a hospital and to it’s public by demonstrating the unique power and necessity of the central state to address events.

It hasnt’ been around long enough to develop any significant data on it. The virus was only first reported to WHO in Dec 2019.

World Health Authorities and governments are taking it seriously hence the precautions.

You aren’t a good judge of people. Blinded by hate.

There’s enough data to calculate mortality rate and R0 to the 95% confidence interval. Like I said, unless it mutates or China is lying, this is 99% hysteria.

You saying it doesn’t make it true. We have barely a month’s worth of data to work with.

SARS had something like 11 percent death rate while this one is about 3…but again it all depends on how rapid it spreads. Again not expert just expressing what little I do know.

So far I believe it’s mostly hype and getting funds…time will tell.

It’s way too early to calculate an accurate death rate. The sample size is way too small for accuracy.

Probably lot of undiagnosed people making the death rate even lower.

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Interesting…very interesting. I guess having authoritarian state does have it’s advantage.

Like I said, I didn’t expect facts to change your mind. Luckily, disease severity has zero to do with the degree of message board poster hysteria. You can be as unfoundedly afraid as you want. The virus won’t be any different.

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So much bad information out there, the hysteria is real and the internet loves stoking fear.

You aren’t providing facts, you’re providing an opinion and substituting it for facts.

We don’t have enough data on this virus to come to any conclusions about just how dangerous it is or may be hence, the true concern as expressed by all of the mentioned gov’ts and organizations being taken right now globally to contain or at least limit it’s spread.

And way to early to determine he infection rate too. My guess there is lot of people out there that doesn’t know they have it.

We don’t even know all the modes of transmission, incubation periods, how long it can survive on surfaces etc.

We do know that people are getting seriously ill with it, some dying, and that authorities around the globe are taking it very seriously.

I gave facts. Literal numbers to back what I said. You have unfounded fear and hysteria. That fear and hysteria is much more exciting than the facts and statistics, I’ll give you that.

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Well it has a 7-14 day incubation so yeah…