We Need To Stop the Shutdown & Go Back to Work

Not been repeated.

Not definitively tied to the use of the drug.

He’s documented every case and made his results viable to anyone that wants them.

You’ve been dead wrong on this subject since January when you were laughing at folks like myself who thought it needed to be taken seriously and addressed and since then all you’ve done is piss on the good works of others and fling poop at the fan to cover for your own failings.

Not much of a record to be proud of “Doc”.

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Boring. Link to the results since every case is documented. All 350 of them. Let’s see your magic doctor’s work. Maybe he also uses incense or special healing words that we’ve all missed. It’s going to be good work, I can feel it!


Pick up your phone and call his office “Doctor”.

Being a fellow “Doc” on the front line you know hell be happy to share the results with you just as he’s offered to do with any other doctor interested in his results.

We both know how that actually works don’t we? “Doc”.

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Lol. So it’s not documented? I have to call him and he’ll tell me the results over the phone? I guess that’s how magic talk show doctors work.

Do I really need to pull out the dictionary for you, a man who claims to be a Doctor?


All though with your record on this subject I can see why you keep flinging turds at the fan.

One of us called this right from the start and the other was too busy pontificating and deriding others for legitimate concern to even consider it worthy of taking action all through January and nearly all of February.

Of course with your gift of hindsight you’ve forgotten everything you said in those early days while this administration was acting but suddenly you have nothing but derision for their supposed lack of action.

Is this where you accuse me of quoting you out of context again?


just think, if Trump wasn’t so dumb and so slow responding to an actual Pandemic (and supported by Republican Media), a bunch of your Republican brothers and sisters would still be alive and you guys would probably be preparing to go back to work.

this entire era is Republican voter’s fault and they will own it forever.

Vacation is almost over.

Two more weeks tops.

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Must be exhausting keeping that level of rage up every day.

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Not nearly as exhausting carrying Trump’s water.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

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Lots of Irony in his post as well.

Wonder if the dems would be willing to own the over 60 million aborted babies? :thinking:


Have I said the same things that poster said while blaming this all on the libs?

If I dared to talk about how a bunch of libs would still be alive today if a certain lib had done something different you guys and the whole thing was the democrat voters fault would flag the ever lovin’ heck out of it and whine.

Seriously, replace the words with your side and read it again.

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They celebrate it, my dear. Loud and proud.

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That’s truly sad.

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I’m in NJ. We’ll be at it for much longer than that.

I’m not sure who needs this Magic Pill quackery to work more, Don Trump or posters too far out over their skiis.

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We gotta pimp those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.

Just caught Rush Limbaugh in the car telling us this is all a democratic socialist hoax meant to killl the working man and put him on welfare.

Yet something tells me he’s not out glad handing with the public lately.