Pro Palestine Protests

I didn’t say any of those things but keep arguing with your own post i guess. :joy::joy:

The riots over the drug addicted domestic abuser started in May, before summer kicked off.

Same time that the other big story was how Missouri told the government to ■■■■ off and played at the lake.


You are debating without reading. You can keep going. Have fun.


the trying will never stop.

Didn’t you know that libs that never served are military “experts”???

Much like childless people are “experts” in child rearing! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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But they might’ve served if the Military paid better, and they would’ve fought if ordered to (while in a non-combat MOS), so that’s the same thing, right? :rofl:

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In their books i suppose. :rofl:

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apples and oranges. Habib was not negotiating peace between Israel and Hezbollah, he was negotiating an end to the lebonese civil war and American peacekeepers were involved. Reagan’s duty was to the American peacekeepers first

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According to CNN it was fiery but mostly peaceful. That’s what I learned.

I decide my own opinions not CNN. A lot of CNNs coverage then was pretty terrible.

I found it difficult to get any decent balanced reporting from any US news media outlet. Fox was making out it was the apocalypse.

Hamas doesn’t value life. Yet they’re always the victims of the Israelis. Why is that?

In these pro Palestinian protests, do you hear any condemnation, criticism, a bad word said about Hamas?


The Capitol riot was mostly peaceful too, and there weren’t even any fires!



Technically being near Hamas is the same as standing next to an active volcano. It can be hazardous for your health thus you should avoid it.

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That should be the immediate reaction. Unless you’re a liberal college student here in the US and want to hug the terrorists for what they did on October 7.


Well ham-ass has been hijacking “humanitarian aid” convoys selling the goods, food, water etc on the black market. So how has that “kindness” been working out? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



Best headline I’ve seen in a while…

Princeton University students end anti-Israel hunger strike ‘due to health concerns’


Not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.


hard to avoid if you dont know anything about it. you know like children.


Their parents are supposed to do that. That should be your primary goal as a parent. Oh ■■■■ this is a war zone, let me pick up little Abdul and get out of this place.

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