Pro Palestine Protests

Israel is not targeting civilians

no, but non combatants woman and children are dying just the same.


■■■■ happens. especially to idiots who help terrorists hide.


This isn’t about rights Allan, it’s a war. Civilians typically died at a rate two to three times greater than combatants in war. This war is no different.

aka life is sacred except if you are near hamas. in which case your life is not.


Tell that to Hamas. They could end this today, if they wanted to.


i am not talking war, i am talking ethics.

is it ethically acceptable to kill innocent woman and child to get at your enemy?

the united states did it in iraq.


would it be ethical to let the terrorist live to kill more Israelis?

Israel is not responsible for the safety of enemy civilians, Hamas is.

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Would you let your family die if a gunman was shooting at then and not try and stop him because he stood behind his child?


Ethics and war are incompatible if you want to win. Which is probably why we didn’t win in Iraq.

so count one for killing non combatants in search of hamas.

my ethics differ from yours.


count another for not caring about killing non combatants in winning a war.

lots of poeple on your side aka winning by any means necessary


differ? LOL, more like they don’t exist.

ethically, Israel is responsible for protecting Israeli’s, and they do it by killing Hamas Terrorists

ethically, Hamas is responsible for protecting Gazans, something hard to do while they hide behind them

Ethically, it is Israel’s responsibility to kill Hamas members to protect Israeli lives. It is not their responsibility to protect Gazan lives at the expense of Israeli lives. That would be wholly unethical and a breach of their responsibility to their own people.


ronald reagan (from the new york times of August 8, 1982)

reagan yelled at the Israeli PM.

Mr. Speakes (deputy press secretary) said the Israeli action had threatened the efforts by Philip C. Habib, the special American envoy, to end the fighting in Lebanon and arrange for the withdrawal of the 6,000 to 9,000 Palestinian guerrillas trapped in west Beirut. In the last 48 hours, Mr. Habib’s peace plan seemed on the verge of success. ‘Massive Military Action’

‘‘The President expressed his outrage over this latest round of massive military action,’’ Mr. Speakes said early this afternoon. ‘‘He emphasized that Israel’s action halted Ambassador Habib’s negotiations for a peaceful resolution of the Beirut crisis when they were at the point of success. The result has been more needless destruction and bloodshed.’’


I’ll gladly go on that list. Further, any politician not on that list should never put any of our military members in harms way.

i am sure the righties who were alive at the time disagreed with POTUS, when calling for a ceasefire.


How much time have you spent in combat so as you actually believe you are more qualified than the generals who are planning the combat operations?


what does that have to do with the ethics question presented.

red herring argument.


Well said. That is why he is ignoring my question. He either will be shown a hypocrite or that he wouldn’t protect his own family.

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It has everything to do with it.

You are making the claim that you know better how to prevent civilian casualties in a war.

So, where does your wealth of knowledge of combat tactics come from?