Pro Palestine Protests

All the Israelis need to do is give Hamas the Care Bear Stare.

Their revolutionary resumes are going to be absolute trash after this.

“Oh I see you launched a hunger strike against the oppressors. Pretty good stuff. Wait, you gave up due to health concerns? What kind of revolutionary spirit is that?! You must be willing to die for the revolution comrade! Denied.”

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Then shouldn’t the parents be taking measures to protect their children.

I mean other then using them as shields.


if your business was on fire… it was

Especially if you were in it…

Youre so concerned about the terrorist children. What about israeli children?

Like the ones burned alive. While their parents were forced to listen to the screams.

Hams would do it again, if they are allowed to regroup.


They’re absolute animals. They forced parents to watch them behead their toddlers.

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These ain’t your Dick Gregory hunger strikers. :rofl:
Not even by a long shot.

They mutilated women caught at the festival, and forced the husbands or boyfriends they were with to watch. They cut off the womens’ breasts. Raped them. Mutilated their genitalia by driving in nails and staples and broken glass (before killing them, though raping of the dead bodies also continued).

The Hamas fighters who made it back to Gaza (and who haven’t yet been killed) are keeping themselves surrounded by their own kids. They count on the sheepfold of “pro-Palestinian” protesters (and their counterparts on boards like this one) to focus ignorantly on the results of their tactics.


And people still wonder why the IDF is out to put a bullet in each of their skulls.

Hell they can barely take having even seen it. Ten IDF soldiers so far have literally shot themselves after seeing the aftermath. Which means it must have been really bad because Jewish people generally don’t commit suicide. And some of those guys were hardened veterans of multiple assaults on Hamas and Hezbollah.


Thats exactly right.

As usual, you misinterpret being a realist with not caring. The best thing that could happen for those “innocent” non-combatants would be the complete elimination of Hamas and all who support them.

If you really cared about innocent life, you would want to see the beasts who invaded Israel with the deliberate intent of horrifically killing innocent people and taking hostages to disused a counter-attack, destroyed down to the last man. But you apparently don’t. That is pure hypocrisy.

Yes you did.

And you’re not debating at all. You’re just slinging ■■■■ against the wall hoping that some of it will stick.

How does that compare to the list you made?

Reminds me of Hillary saying that she almost joined the Marines. :wink:


Mhmm right. Like i said have fun.

She even day-dreamed out loud about getting shot at once. :rofl:

If this was your business, what would you call it?