Pro Palestine Protests

The United Nations has dramatically slashed the estimated number of women and children killed in Gaza by 50 percent.

Without announcement, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) altered their data on May 8 - reducing almost half the number of women and children previously reported killed in the Gaza conflict.

The data which they base their reports on is collected from ‘Gaza’s Ministry of Health,’ run by Hamas, the terror group that started the war on October 7.

Right on the money.

Does that mean you’re done slinging ■■■■■

there going to have to slash that by another 50% to get close to a real number


Said a sniper was shooting at her in Bosnia one time.

Turned out to be a little girl with flowers. :roll_eyes:

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The quote function is there. I said one thing you said another and proceeded to address your list. The best.

My list came from your list. I just eliminated the smoke and mirrors.

Be careful, it’s pollinated!! :rofl:


How many US soldiers would you sacrifice to save a child?


I disagree.

The UN got a statistic wrong? Say it ain’t so Batman.


What’s the reason?

The service industry is mostly 20 somethings. A lot of them poc. Loss of work, stuck at home during March April etc and then it popped

Now that’s may not be primary reason but i think it helped a lot.

So what was the primary reason again? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You’re confusing contributing factor with reason.

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These are the people whose votes Democrats are afraid of losing? Wonder what this guy thinks of “Queers for Palestine.”^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1789966594749186343|twgr^9b8d0256e383558431523baf63b501bb97981418|twcon^s1_&

I think Floyd was a contributing factor. I think they are interchangeable.

Are you going to reward people who come into your house rape and murder your wife and daughters?


I don’t, floyd was the reason. No floyd, no riots.

If it wasn’t Floyd, it would have been something else.


There were multiple Floyds over years including summers. This one was different?