Powell argues "no reasonable person" would believe her lies

So there wasn’t a Special Forces raid on a CIA compound in Germany as part of the secret war behind the international plot to steal the election from Donald Trump?

She made that up?

You don’t say.


But these are just feelings. There’s no evidence. It’s people having a hard time accepting their candidate list so they have created this big lie about electoral fraud, but there isn’t any evidence that shows anything like what would be possible.

They might feel it was stolen because “urban” voters made the difference in MI and GA and those people aren’t real Americans so their votes shouldn’t count but the whole thing is based on people not having any idea how electoral systems work, and when you don’t know how anything works then everything is possible.


Dude! You’re trying to compare voter turnout percentages from a Presidential election to a midterm? Really? Your own table shows why that is a ridiculous comparison. How embarrassing.

Sidney Powell just told you she was lying…

Pretty much everybody that buys into electoral fraud takes. She was part of the “Trump Elite Strike Force” legal team, she was deemed highly credible by some and a lot of people thought she had the goods.

Until she was asked to provide some evidence…

No, we realize the “muh stolen election” people are a lost cause at this point.

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“The people that told me the election was stolen are admitting they lied to me…but that doesn’t mean the election wasn’t stolen…it totally was stolen”.

The amount of doublethink in such attitudes is truly astonishing.

Seriously? The Kraken?

Are you seriously asking these questions like you believe everyone has already forgotten what went down just a few months ago?

Come on, man!

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Yes, seriously. Gas lighting aside (“Huh? Kraken what’s that?”) it was a key part of the electoral conspiracy theories that still most Republicans believe. Don’t pretend like it was some weirdo thing that Republicans didn’t jump on.

Not real or legal votes anyway.

Ouch :rofl:

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It’s not possible that enough people despised Donald Trump to get Biden to 81 million votes?

Why not?

I never understand this tactic.

It’s so easily seen through…yet so often employed.

81.2+ million is more believable since that was Biden’s official vote total.

Any predictions on how things will turn out for Mike Lindell?

Better get those autographed pillows from him while you can.

I hate to tell you this man, but the Kraken is a sea monster from Scandinavian folklore. It’s not real.
