Powell argues "no reasonable person" would believe her lies

Thank you.

Just my take on it.

We’re not allies.

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You believe what should go to court?

Well, of course not.

It is Ok to agree on occasion.

No it doesn’t.

It’s just another piece of evidence that certain individuals don’t understand how to make an actual case.

Nor do they desire to learn.


Notice the left does not care if people believe the elections are fake. They think it’s funny!

Fake news is what they love!

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Ironic you post this in a thread where Sidney Powell argued that she was peddling literal fake news.

You are just proving my point… Thanks!



It is funny. Because many of you continue to give credulity to your media outlets/pundits while they continue to lie to you…

And then get mad at us for pointing it out.

Now, that’s funny.


She filed it in court. With her signature and everything.

What point? Sidney Powell told you she was peddling fake news. What are your thoughts on that?

Isn’t this the Tucker Carlson defense?


The “fake news” lovers are the ones who think there was any significant voter or electoral fraud.

They believe deeply in a political strategy with zero evidence. I guess it’s funny in a “holy ■■■■ how ■■■■■■■ dumb can people be?” kind of way but it’s also a bit scary how easily so many people can be convinced to buy into obvious, clumsy lies like “stolen election” and all that nonsense.

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That you’re gullible for believing people that are admitting they lied to you?

Was this your point?

Some of them think it is funny and other want to convince us that the election was not stolen.

Actually they pretty much all think it is funny but some want to pretend and try to convince us it was a “clean” election.

I stick by my earlier post. IMO both sides know it was stolen.

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The election was not stolen.
And there are many conservatives that also believe it was not stolen.

So basically Republicans have gone from ■■■■■ Your Feelings” to “The left is mocking us over our feelings”.


Who thought she was really going to release the Kraken?