Republicans Cannot be trusted!

Yes, it’s like a vapor that disappears when you try to touch it.

How will he be removed from office. Doesn’t it require a two-thirds majority for him to be found guilty and removed from office?

Ok, ok, ok…let’s do this the American way, shall “we”? There will be another election in 2020 and if Trump is as baaa, baaa, baaad as this impeachment says, he’ll obviously be voted out of office? If…this whole thing is a sham, those among us that aren’t eating from the trough, will vote for Trump? Let’s all settle down and find out this coming November, whether or not you’re a sheople that actually eats the same feces nationally, Pelosi stores in great abundance in her district or…you’re a free thinking American citizen?

Oh good - A thread titled “Republicans Cannot be trusted!”

There’s a reason of course…OrangeManBad! It’s not just Donald Trump…But if there’s one thing I’ve learned since I voted for Trump in November of 2016…It’s that I’m part of the problem because…OrangeManBad!

I’m not responding to this thread because I expect any kind of meaningful discourse … but rather to just offer some thoughts about why OrangeManBad really isn’t so bad, and to offer a thought that will be totally ignored about stones and glass houses.

Unemployment, record lows…Stock Market, Record highs. Good things. Good conservative judges…USMCA…Work on a needed wall along the southern border…The ISIS leader is dead…If you strip away the rhetoric there has been quite a lot of accomplishment.

Unfinished business, there’s so much more to do at the border, there’s still serious work to be done in Korea (although you can make a case that he’s gotten at least farther there than his predecessors), this country needs make some really good decisions about health insurance and health care issues, ObamaCare was and is a disaster. I’m one of millions of Americans who wonder how much more could have been done if Congress had spent some time cooperating and less time on OrangeManBad!

The people telling us “Republicans Cannot be trusted!”…They tend to be the same ones who turned their heads and looked the other way when Hillary Clinton was deleting emails and paying for foreign influence in our election courtesy of the Steele Dossier, who said Trump would lose in a landslide, who said Mueller was going to get him, who believed Adam Schiff when he said he had "Ample evidence of collusion (Schiff is a disgrace folks, speaking of people who cannot be trusted). A year ago the same people telling us “Republicans Cannot be trusted!” were telling us the economy was headed for a disastrous crash. They are the same people who told us “We have to impeach Donald Trump now so he doesn’t have time to muck with the next election, that the facts were uncontested” (that’s obviously a paraphrase but yes Adam, your pathetic facts are very much contested). And yet after telling us impeachment had to happen right now, the Speaker of the House has chosen to put an indefinite delay on the process…So which is it? The same people telling us “Republicans Cannot be trusted!”, many of them are cowering in the corner and lawyering up wondering what the Durham Report is going to reveal. A wise person once said about people living in glass houses not throwing stones. IMHO a bunch of big rocks are about to ricochet right back at the OrangeManBad crowd.

Smyrna is right…there’s an election in 10 months. Let’s have it Dem’s, show me a superior candidate. Convince me and millions of others that your candidates offering socialism as an alternative to American freedom have better ideas (all the while listening to them yammer on about the Constitution, that’s a joke!), convince me that open borders are a better idea than controlling the flow of new citizens into this country and knowing who wants to join our great nation, convince me that the Speaker of the House who’s Congressional district is quickly becoming a homeless encampment full of people pooping in the streets has better ideas for American prosperity than the guy who’s policies have helped lead to record low unemployment and a record high stock market.

Or should I really just believe that when left wingers say “Republicans Cannot be trusted!” what left wingers really mean is “Voters Cannot be trusted” to make the decisions we want them to make?


Nicely done my friend…and very well said.

When all is exposed, I believe “we” will see that the dossier was put out there to actually cover up Brennan’s activities that he did using the Patriot Act for his own nefarious reasons. Drip, Drip, DRIP…

Sidney Powell whose background is professionally spectacular and worked for Administrations from both sides of the aisle, is telling it like it is folks. As a great exchange once said, “You want answers? I want the truth! You can’t handle the truth!!!” I truly wonder, just how many among us, can actually handle the truth about all that’s taken place at the highest levels of our govenment…since 2016? Here’s Sidney’s take and my gosh folks…the truth is disturbing.

Thank you for sharing Smyrna

My pleasure. I hope the truth is a uniting force for both sides of the aisle.

Unfortunately I have little faith it will be. OrangeManBad! Is a powerful overriding emotion…

Yes, Smyrna, she’s a TV conspiracy lawyer who just did an awful job when she tried actual lawyering for Flynn.

Why do you conclude that? It’s on going case and Flynn hired her, after he fired his other lawyers? Her track record was considered superb by all until what? Oh…that’s right…she took on General Flynn’s case.

If you say so.

The case is over.

Sentencing is on Jan 28th

All of Powell’s arguments collapsed. Not only did Judge Sullivan call her out for plagiarism in their arguments but completely destroyed any objection that was raised.

Powell is more than likely responsible for Flynn getting a harsher sentence than he was going to get a year ago and that was when the judge asked the prosecutors if they ever thought of charging him with treason

Powell is a terrible lawyer

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Why should we assume that if Trump is as bad as this impeachment says, that he’ll be voted out of office?

There are quite a few American voters who feel an Imperial President is just fine and are happy to confer yet more power upon Trump to do what he likes as long as he “gets things done” (those things being “lib tears” and giving his supporters “comfort food” as far as I can tell…)

Too funny,…
I started to respond to your previous post, recommend you stop watching youtube videos to get news, and stopped…and decided, why bother.

Scroll down to the next post, and it is you posting, a youtube video.

Thanks for the entertainment.

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If it is not on youtube, is it really, real?

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I seem to recall that was lefts philosophy during Obama years…specially after he lost the house.

Or did you forget what libs were saying here during that period?

Democrats are a clear and present danger to the American peoples Constitutional Rights because they paid for the Steele dossier that Obama used to spy illegally on Americans.

Amerca is waking to this fact!

So what?

Many in today’s right fancy themselves the last champions of our Republic as the Founders intended.

Aren’t they supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard than “Well the libs did it too so what choice do we have?”

Trump’s own attorney general went before the Federalist Society and gave a speech where he rewrote the history of the Revolution to espouse giving the President so much power as to completely neuter Congress. Though the DOI mentions only the King and not Parliament, Barr lied and said the Founders didn’t fear a strong Executive, only a strong Legislature.

Nary a peep of protest from the “Defenders of Our Liberty”.

Indeed, I bet many of them didn’t even know Barr gave this speech.


I’m just reminding the readers here that libs advocated what you were complaining about.

I’m on the right…and YOU never seen me advocating imperial Presidency. And I’m outspoken when my side pushes it…but I don’t recall a single lib here correcting what other libs were doing and saying.

A for Barr, yeah I seen his little speech, and I disagree with him.

I personally think legislation branch, executive branch and yes the judicial branch have all promoted their own power grab for political purposes.

I would say join me in this fight…but I also know the moment democrats come into power the left will abounded their positions. Just like they did back in 08.

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