Coronavirus Thread Political

Small price to pay for greater good…getting rid of a bigger disaster called Trump.

Considering you’ve now gone on record that you’d deny a possible life saving medicine, do you really care?

Do people really believe that Donald Trump is equipped to lead the country during this?


Not even in a worl wide crisis?

Is it shown that cofining everyone to their homes is going to stop the virus? You know still letting people go to stores, doctors, gas stations, repair shops, auto parts stores . . .

Self-isolation isn’t about stopping the virus.
its about slowing it down so 10 people get the virus in your town not 12.

I am all for fast tracking whatever is needed, not the snake oil act by the president though.

I asked you.

So far so good.

Closing travel between counties . .
putting together a task force
Signing emergency legislation immediatly after passage by congress

What else would you like?

(on and sending naval floating hospitals to certain area’s, releasing masks and ventalators from military stock).

What else would you like?

Fauci echoed Trump’s hope in the presser, but being a man of science, he held his enthusiasm.

If enough people keep yelling at them that they aren’t taking it seriously and are too slow and too stupid, then won’t they get it done faster?

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I don’t think Trump is equipped to run the drive-thou at McDonald’s.

@GWH this thread moves so fast, it’s unwieldy to keep up.

Now that we’re well into this, would you consider going back to normal, so we could keep up with the different aspects that interest us, and not have to slog through the aspects we’re not so interested in. Even if it’s just on a trial basis.

Thanks for considering!

So this is about men of science versus people who are like Trump; exactly.

Trust the science, it look promising but that prove nothing.
don’t give people false hope.

Isn’t the same true of the drug?

8 people die instead of 13?
12 people continue with symptoms instead of 20?

By your logic, the drug should be used.

The $200K my portfolio is down, is now back, the gym is back open and I’m not laid off anymore?

This is a nightmare?

Where’s my crawfish bucket? DAMNIT JANET!

But all your gains?

News flash…Donald Trump is. Oh wait…that’s the fear isn’t it? That he just might get us through this biggest crisis since World War II. Hell it’s bigger then housing bubble…it’s bigger then 9/11 from what I’m hearing.