2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 1)

Let’s face reality here.

No judge wants to have his or her name attached to the most wanted in America politics poster board of photo’s in perpetuity.

And that is exactly what will happen to anyone who dares to put doubt on this election result.

Such judges will not only be effectively cancelled from society their family members and respective businesses will likely be wiped out too.

Even after saying all that, I am still holding out a glimmer of hope that 5 of these justices on the SCOTUS will have the courage to ultimately face the music.

Again, recognizing being shielded with lifetime appointments does not come close to assuring ongoing safety to them and their respective families.

Do it anyhow.

Hear it all.

Five justices is all it takes.

In the history books will be cemented their legacies as great is the prize.

Or conversely as the cowards who failed to defend the Constitution as their Oath’s so pledged.


No, it’s funny that Trump couldn’t win. How many times in history has a President lost a re-election in US history? LOL!

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The reality is it will be loss #56 or 57 this afternoon or tomorrow morning.


It really is.

Run along now. lol


What’s not funny though, is how many libs support kid sniffers and actual racists.



So, four references in two and a half years, versus twice that many in about an hour. Ooooh, sick burn.



There were more, but keep squirming anyway. That bench isn’t gonna warm itself. lol

This will be rejected for lack of standing is my guess. 99.99% probability

There is absolutely zero legal merit to the idea that states are harmed by the election processes of other states.

Don’t get me wrong- there are a lot of non-delegation absolutists on the bench. They will not overturn an election in order to achieve their ideal of legislative absolutism. What I can see happening is future elections will be impacted because executive branches will be given much less leeway to implement election rules.

Which means there is going to have to be a lot of voter education on the part of the Democratic Party because GOP legislatures are going to continue down the path of making it as difficult to vote as possible.

Texas, which brought this suit, is a prime example of that. They lead the way in making voting as onerous as possible.

Sleepy Joe’s vacant eyes are hypnotic to his loyal minions.

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The irony of this is rich.

But you keep
Being you.


How about VoterID? You think a case is being made for it?

I can see there is nothing behind those sullen orbs.

Me being me.

I could see renewed push for Voter IDs.

As long as they make it easy and free to obtain, I have no problem with it.

If they take the approaches in the past where they are pretty much blatantly attempting to disenfranchise certain voter blocs? Well- what with the gutting of the Voter Rights Act I can see GOP legislatures doing that too.

So you think it is impossible that you could be wrong about massive voter fraud?

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I agree that no one should have to pay a single penny to exercise any constitutional rights.

It’s not too late to do signature check- voter ID this runoff election coming up on Jan 5th.

And who knows maybe finally we are getting somewhere with this one county in GA refusing to certify results per report by our gracious host Sean Hannity on this forum attached herein.

Apparently they still can not verify the Dominion machine count info the way they want to.

Adam Klasfeld has the inside scoop, does he?

If you mean like the Biden odds at 3AM November 4th to overcome huge deficits’ of

To the 4th power of one in 1,000,000,000,000,000 (quadrillion) chance, I suppose it’s still possible the current administration could be wrong.

I linked to his article in Law and Crime there, read it or not, I don’t care.