Manafort's bail revoked -- he's going to jail until his trial

Learning some basics about American jurisprudence?

“I thought he was on house arrest “


He’s holding out for some of those cool Russian mob star tats.

Anyone out on bail, who then goes around to the witnesses of his crime and discusses with them lying when they testify at his trial, will always have his bail revoked. Why do you not understand this?

Is that a problem? See something, say something, amirite?

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They’re holding job fairs for the White House because no one wants to work for the oranges ■■■■■■■■■■ now.

So you weren’t a fan of the LOCK HER UP chants?

Here’s a simple link for some of the people who can’t even be bothered to watch a decent cop show on TV:

This is the kicker:

A defendant’s bail can be revoked for other reasons, including:

committing a crime while released, even in the absence of a conviction for that crime, and

Phew, that took me 20 seconds to find…

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They’re either being willfully ignorant or deliberately obtuse. Either way, they’ll never change their minds.

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Law N Order Republicans get pretty weird when law and order starts ■■■■■■■ one of theirs.

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Which is wierd since Manafort couldn’t give a crap about this country.

Then a very bad human spends the rest of his life in jail.

Just so I’m clear, Dershowitz doesn’t think anyone should be in custody before they’ve been convicted?

What crimes has Hilary been indicted for? Me thinks you are just talking out of you ass some more.


Which is true and if the which hunt paid off in one respect, nailing the Beast Manafort. It was worth every dime.

There’s thousands of kids in pre trial detention in internment caps as a direct order from Trump while their parents apply for asylum, which used to be perfectly legal and they didn’t use to be locked up for not committing a crime.

Republicans love that though because they’re brown people. A traitorous Republican loses bail and they lose their minds.


Dershowitz is blowing smoke to get tv time.

You can’t teach stupid.

I wonder what the logistics are for something like this. Does Dershowitz call them and says ‘‘Hey, I got a good argument that says there’s no way he should be in jail. It will make you look all fair and balanced.’’ Maybe he shops it around to see who pays the most.

Or news orgs call him saying ‘‘We need an good counter argument why he shouldn’t be thrown in jail. How long will it take you to come-up with something half-way convincing? We’ll pay you the usual.’’

No one talks about if its realistic or not, or the fact that it might go against almost 100 years bail history. They just what something for the rubes.

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I use beyond a reasonable doubt. Myself.

Did manafort launder money. Beyond a reasonable doubt.

Did manafort tamper with witnesses. Beyond a reasonable doubt.


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