Here we go again and just in time to scare everyone into another pandemic shutdown that will enable mail in voter-fraud in the coming midterm elections. The pandemic isn’t over we are told as once again is it predicted this new varient called “Ninja” will be the worst yet. Luckily, it is reported that the pharmaceutical companies will soon have new-improved vaccines available to protect us. Don’t throw away those masks.
A few thoughts on this. Yes, the pandemic isn’t over. No, there won’t be any more shutdowns. And this isn’t crying wolf, people have to be actually listening. And most Americans are over it and stopped listening a long time ago.
You are correct and that is the point of the story, ‘The Boy That Cried Wolf.” When the wolf did appear, no one would believe him. The same can happen here as this virus scare has been used and misused to a point that people are apathetic.
We were told that the Coronavirus originated from bat soup in the ‘Wet Markets” in Wuhan. We were told that it did not come from a bio-lab. We were told that Fauci was not involved in the gain-of-function (weaponization). We were told that no taxpayer money was involved in the development. We were told that the shutdown would be just two weeks to flatten the curve. We were told that the vaccines were safe and effective.
I can’t disagree with that as I doubt many people would go along with a full shutdown like the last one. However, that won’t stop Democrats from using this to insist that voting in person is too dangerous to our health which necessitates mail in voting. That’s all they really want.