Why Trump is going to win in 2020

Irony Award winner of the day. It is you that is hoping. Just like last time.:grin:

It’s cute that the OP thinks that a pointless rally in Minneapolis equates to him winning MN. :joy::joy::joy:


But did you see all those red hats behind Donald? That was like, half the state right there!

hmmm, how do you explain this?

Trump also had a big rally in Minnesota a couple of days before the 2016 Presidential election, but he still lost that state to Hillary.

Trump did manage to win neighboring state Wisconsin, but that was mainly due to low voter turnout in that state during the 2016 Presidential election. Link

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Haven’t read the posts in this thread award. An airplane just flew over your head at 30,000 ft.

To a Donnie “follower”, all charges are phony.

You guys were talking big last time too. Really big.

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Explain what?

Right, just because he was weaned on Saul Alinskys’ rules for radicals, attended a black liberation church for 20 years and began his political career in the home of a left wing terrorist, in no way, shape or form is any indication of his political views… Only Republicans should be judged by the company they keep.

Another invocation of the standard rule of liberal hypocrisy.

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He was not an extreme leftist.

He was a center left corporatist with Third Way/ Neoliberal tendencies.

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A very well thought out and reasoned response. I wouldn’t put much faith in any polls right now. A lot can happen in 13 months. Perhaps the Democrats will find something substantial to stick on Trump, or perhaps something substantial will come out in Biden or Warren. Right now, the public is predominantly hearing only the Democrat side of the Ukraine call issue. The Democrats haven’t had a vote because many of them know that the charges against Trump are marginal at best, and they don’t want to commit to impeach should the mood of the voters turn against them. I believe they are wasting their time on this issue and if they keep crying wolf against Trump, the independents and undecideds will come to the conclusion that Trump’s rallying cry of “Witch hunt” will be believed and they will vote to give Trump 4 more years. Democrats are in a precarious situation.

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I probably meant that for someone else- but this: If Trump is so popular, why do a majority of Americans support his impeachment?

What do you think the response would have been if someone, especially a famous entertainer, had made the comment about dreaming to blow up the White House when Obama was president?

I didn’t say he would necessarily win MN., Though that was a tremendous turn out in a historically blue state. My point was is that his base is not diminishing over the Ukraine issue. He only has to hold onto the independents and undecideds.

Sounds like a real brain trust to me.

Well, if he adopted those radical politics, he sure kept them well-hidden for 8 years.

I don’t know…what was the response of the conservative media when Ted Nugent told Obama he could suck on his (Nugent’s) machine gun?

Is that the kind of stuff you’re looking for?

I’d post the video link but I’d probably get in trouble.

I’d say probably the obstruction of justice

That’s "Really Bigly " :grin: