Why Trump is going to win in 2020

Obama was a normal, rational human being though.

Trump invites the treatment he gets and he deserves it.

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And by " normal" you mean extreme leftist.
So, any insult or threat can be hurled at Trump and Republicans and conservatives, but Donald Trump should not reply in kind? BTW, if for the sake of discussion, I granted Trumps call to Ukraine as an impeachable offense, what impeachable offense did he commit prior to January 20th 2017?

Nope he means normal not your warped view of Obama.

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Care to point to a specific rally and I’ll google the video myself.

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You surely are not suggesting that B Obama is an “extreme leftist”? That is laughable.

Meaning my questions are uncomfortably truthful, so you decline to offer any answers to them. Sure, God forbid any liberal be expected to answer any criticisms of THEIR behavior… Typical hypocrisy, which is why Trump will win in 2020. We’re tired of being called “deplorables” and other things while liberals get a pass on everything.



They’ve openly blocked everything Trump had done or tried to do.

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You silwy wabbit…obviously you haven’t paid attention to the polls? Everybody wants Trump impeached…cept those thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands cheering him both inside and outside of that stadium and every other one he speaks at…AND….IGNORE that man behind the curtain. :sunglasses:

Obama was not an extreme leftist.


Uh, what has Democrats blocked specifically?



If you ever watched anything other than the left wing mainstream media “news” channels, you wouldn’t have to Google.

You haven’t seen Madonna saying “I dream of blowing up the White house”? You haven’t seen Robert De Niro wanting to “punch Trump in the face”? You didn’t see Biden say he wanted to " Take Trump out behind the barn"? You didn’t see Kathy Griffin holding up that severed bloody head? You haven’t heard Maxine Waters openly calling for Republicans, conservatives and Trump supporters to be harrassed out if public places? You haven’t seen videos of people wearing MAGA hats being assaulted or Republican politicians actually being harrassed out of restaurants? You didn’t see the video of that 16 year old high School student on a field trip to Washington DC, being harrassed by a 60 year old native American? You didn’t hear the slander against that 16 year old that labeled HIM as a bigot, racist and called HIM the aggressor in that incident? You haven’t seen the videos of “squad members” calling Trump a (term that gets people banned)?

Try leaving your cave sometime, then get back to me…


Too funny. Ever hear the word “resistance”?

I hear Tulsi Gabbard will make it into the next debate. Unfortunately for her, the present traunch of Democrat leaders have squandered the party’s political capital, and continue to do so, so that by the time the election cycles round very few voters with integrity will want to identify themselves with that party in 2020.

Leaving my cave, haha. I don’t just listen to AM radio and Fox News, or breitbart or QANON for outrages. I listen to local news, thanks.

A majority of your examples didn’t take place at rallies.

When leftist rallies encourage people to send pipe bombs to Democrats or drive 600 miles to shoot Mexicans in El Paso, come back to me.

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Madonna? You have to be joking,

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Yep and its not vowing to block and obstruct ANYTHING trump does like repubs did with Obama.

Polls show that Trump has a 'base" of about 35% of the electorate who, to this point, will support Trump no matter what. These are the people who attend Trump’s rallies and Trump clearly enjoys basking in their adulation.

In head to head polls against the main Democratic candidate Trump polls in the low 40’s

To get back to the one in seven chance of victory that the polls were giving Trump in November 2016 (and which he converted into the win), Trump needs to recapture 6-7% of support he has lost since then. Is that achievable? Of course it is.

However the question is how well Trump’s off-script performance helps him recapture that 6-7%, many of whom have started to vote Democratic because they are disturbed by Trump’s style and who no longer believe Trump is handling the economy well.

Rallying the base is fun but the tactical question is, does holding events for the faithful retrieve or alienate the additional voters Trump must convince to give him another four years in the White House.

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Yes because we should hold entertainers to a higher standard than the President of the United States.

Why bother separating the two when you can elect a reality TV clown to the White House?

Two birds, one stone.

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