Why straight pride event are stupid

Yes, I remember the ticker-tape parades when we welcomed our nation’s greatest generation home in honor of them stopping the gays.

Who has said they want to relieve them of that responsibility?

You imagine things. I have only said

  • homosexers should not try to indoctrinate children
  • men having sex with men is a dangerous behavior

If you call that vilifying, that’s on you. I have made it a point to say I don’t advocate criminalizing homosex.

Children are not being indoctrinated.

A man can have perfectly safe sex with another man at the same rate that a woman can have perfectly safe sex with a man.

It is vilifying. Two disease-free, non-promiscuous gay men are not engaged in dangerous behavior.

It would be valid to say that gay male promiscuity is more dangerous than heterosexual promiscuity if it includes anal sex…but you’re going beyond that.

Vilify and criminalize mean two different things.

Actually straight men have become a target for some on the left; that was discussed in an earlier thread:

In Britain the Labour Party recently banned straight men from an “equalities” conference:

In the case of the two women who were attacked in London, the assumption is that that they were attacked because they were lesbian. The original twitter posting and the comments from the mayor of London called it a “misogynist attack”, which means that they were attacked because they were women. That actually makes more sense; how would the attackers know that that the women were really lesbians?

The two women were both foreigners; one is American the other is from Latin America. Is this a xenophobic attack?

On the other hand, there has been no information on the attackers other than they were males between the ages of 15 and 18; they could be of any ethnic background. The women both have fair complexions; were they attacked because they were white?

You’re using white men not being invited to ONE conference as proof of straight persecution :joy:

It must feel good to be in the majority… I wonder how you would feel if you faced actual wide-spread systemic discrimination

When are White Straight Males ever going to have proper representation in government in England?

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Ok. True statement. Why is it relevant?

I have never said anything about relieving anyone of responsibility for the consequences of engaging in risky behavior.

Engaging in risky behavior to get some jollys is pretty much a human thing and not tied to any particular group.


  1. The media guy was an idiot and should be called out as such- he was an anti-Trumper who obviously let his emotions get the better of him.
  2. The conference was to elect members of those groups to the Young Labor Committee- all other such positions are voted for online- a method that can’t be used to elect members from these groups because not enough demographic info is available, from what the story said. Hardly an example of discrimination against whites.

But as a straight white male, I feel your pain, brother. We are so put upon nowadays.

Sigh…people have GOT to stop equating a slightly lessened amount of influence as other groups gain power as persecution.

It’s like American Christians complaining they’re being systematically persecuted because they supposedly can’t say “Merry Christmas”.

Some of these folks wouldn’t last a second in countries where they really ARE persecuted.


So we agree. People need to take responsibility for their risky behavior.

I have never said anything to the contrary.

What isn’t cool is treating people differently because of their sexual behavior with consenting adults.

So we are back to the OP. If gay pride events are OK, why are straight pride events treated with disdain?

Insecure Straight people can parade all that they want.

What will happen is that they will be called out on their stupidity that they are in any way persecuted by the “system” or culture at large.

They will be rightfully called out for being trolls.

Here is an explanation of what “Gay Pride” means from someone who understands it way more than either of us.

LGBT pride does not mean being proud of having been born lesbian, gay, bisexual, or trans.
It means being proud of having survived.
It means being proud of living in a homophobic, biphobic, transphobic society — a society that commonly treats us with contempt at best and violent hatred at worst — and still getting on with our lives. It means being proud of flourishing, in a society that commonly thinks we’re broken. It means being proud of being happy, in a society that commonly thinks we should be miserable. It means being proud of being good and compassionate, in a society that commonly thinks we’re wicked. It means being proud of fighting for our rights and the rights of others like us, in a society that commonly thinks we should lie down and let ourselves get walked on — or that thinks we should be grateful for crumbs and not ask for more. It means being proud of retaining our dignity, in a society that commonly treats us as laughing-stocks. It means being proud of loving our sexuality and our bodies, in a society that commonly thinks our sexuality and our bodies are disgusting. It means being proud of staying alive, in a society that commonly beats us down and wants us dead.


You attribute to me something I did not say. Please correct or show me where I said that. Or I will flag your post and let the mods sort it out.

He was using the royal “you”.

The Russian law has been used to brand any type of public displays of affection amongst gay people as an example of “indoctrinating young children”.

And you still haven’t told us what “leaving the interpretation of what these types of ‘child protection’ laws to the parents of children would look like”.

Was it petty? Strange. You expect me to agree that homosexual is “normal”?