Where does it end?

There is a difference between my actual policy and flinging the ■■■■ back in your face…

I know if push came to shove I could reason with you.

But for the most part it’s more fun to poke you about how you always poat about the left in threads about the right…

My entertainment comes before anything else on here.

So you’re here to troll. Cool.

This is why we are divided nation. :beer:


Negative…I’m here for my entertainment.
I offered you a chance to learn something. You went instead to try to get me to say I’m trolling people…or trap me.

If you are gonna waste my time at least make it fun…

Yeah. How unproductive.

Exactly my point…thanks…

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They do.

It’s not the trolls you have to worry about.

I disagree…they keep the story going. They keep moving the story back to the same issue. See mueller

You’re not listening to me.

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Are you trying to say that when this hits the moderates and fence sitters that we have a problem?

Yeah I got that.

Is there a need to dial this back?

If so, how?

They always counted on the right backing down. They had preyed on Conservatives kindness…to be reasonable.

If fact that might be a good topic for a thread. :wink:

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And there it is…and they wonder why we won’t roll over for em anymore.

I see a lot of yelling about the other side. If we do not stop this spiral, it won’t end well for the country.

How do we stop it?

The left can’t handle the push back, they gotten used to right rolling over for them. That’s what we are witnessing now. Total freakout by the left. Why aren’t conservative rolling over?

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It will end when those responsible for the attempted coup are made examples of!

That doesn’t happen. The coup is complete. Donald dances with Deepstate and laughs with joy.

Well to be fair, your “facts” are talking points and beliefs. Your politeness is condescension, and when you talk, it comes across as elitism.

Other than that, I fully agree with your post.

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What you imply is your problem not mine.
My words are my words.

Yes, you (collective) did.

There’s hours of it.