What “great progess” Has Been Made With NK?

Our soldiers in SK have one less training exercise per year.

I don’t know if things changed since I was there, but I’m pretty sure I was sleeping someplace other than my barracks room 50% of the time.

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No remains have been returned. Trump lied to you.

Patience grasshopper. As soon as Trump concedes on some more issues NK wants, we’ll get those soldiers back. Just you wait.

Thanks for showing everyone you don’t know what’s going on

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He could’ve easily found out by doing a simple search but nooooo, the CEC is more comforting.

We got the remains of some of our fallen soldiers which means a lot to most Americans but for anti Trump deranged liberals I guess… not so much!

Its a process that will take time as President Trump has said many times and has also said “we shall see” how it goes and of course our ally’s in the region are breathing a little easier as the President has said Japan and S.Korea are happy! It doesn’t hurt IMO to stroke the ego of the little dictator to ease tensions in the region or to squeeze some concessions from him.

The thousands of 115 year old parents will be so grateful as well.

Ask the people living in the areas where NK missiles were buzzing.

We haven’t gotten any remains back. Trump lied and the simpletons who mindlessly support every thing he says and does cheered.

“There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” - President All Caps

Donald said it.
I believe it.
That settles it.

MRGA :ru:

That’s a lie Trump told us. We have not gotten any remains back.

This. Has. Not. Happened.

Do you think if you repeat a lie spoken by Trump enough times it will become true?

What you say has not happened yet.

We have received exactly ZERO remains of soldiers.

My Gos- do you all just believe whatever Trump says?

I rest my case but thanks for proving everything I said about Trump supporters being true.

Donald Trump has no idea when the Korean war took place. He just figured that all of the old people who were asking for the remains of their loved ones must have been parents. After all, parents are old and soldiers are young. Trump never thought to take into account how time works. I think we have all made that mistake.

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They do. I suspect the reply from Roxie if she does reply will be “the standard fake news” or make some vague point about how getting the remains back immediately is not important as long as w get them back at some point.

Trump supporters will ignore the fact Trump blatantly lied about this.

If you pay Pogo in gold, he might give you better responses…


I guess its pretty easy to make that mistake when you’re ignorant of history and make ■■■■ up on the fly.

Everybody has their own leadership style. Whatever works for you, I suppose.