Welcome to NATO Sweden!



The rest of that post is hogwash.

marx good one

Based on the fact he didn’t do it while Trump was President.

In fact he didn’t do it until after Kabul Runaway.


Very insightful.

Yes, NATO has the right to defend itself. The problem is that NATO abandoned being primarily defensive organization the early 1990s. Since then, it has become the most aggressive, expansionist military alliance since the Axis Powers with wars against Yugoslavia, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

The 2014 NATO-backed bloody coup in Kyiv was followed by a civil war led by NATO-funded paramilitaries against ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. These actions violated the terms of the Budapest agreement that recognized Ukrainian independence and referenced these principles from the Helsinki accords:

  1. Sovereign equality, respect for the rights inherent in sovereignty
  2. Refraining from the threat or use of force
  3. Inviolability of frontiers
  4. Territorial integrity of states
  5. Peaceful settlement of disputes
  6. Non-intervention in internal affairs
  7. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief
  8. Equal rights and self-determination of peoples
  9. Co-operation among States
  10. Fulfillment in good faith of obligations under international law

The US government funded a June 2022 conference in Washington about options for partitioning Russia using the pretense of “decolonization”.

It is no secret that neocons want to fragment Russia into smaller states under NATO domination. The NATO-backed partition and occupation of Yugoslavia in the 1990s was a trial run.

Well, as of October in strictly military aid you are incorrect. And since then our military support has dried up and theirs has continued. I’m assuming you can do the math:

And if you include financial aid they’re committing a lot more than the US.

There is a reason why this is all a fantasy because thats all it is - a fantasy

No. I am correct. The US doesn’t have 67.5 committed. Try 150.

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Post the numbers. I posted numbers.

Look it up. I did.

You’ve laid it out quite nicely, so maybe you can see why Ukraine want to be part of Europe, which they are anyway.
Russia doesn’t really exist within these goals, so don’t pretend Nato was the aggressor here or think Putin wants any peace with any bordering countries.

I literally gave you a chart. updated last month. You’re making a claim I don’t agree with. I’ve provided my numbers. If you can’t provide yours then we’re done here.

Thanks so much for your insights and just to touch on something alluded to earlier, Europe isn’t snobbish about Russia or looks down on them.
Rich Russians are popular everywhere even owning football clubs lol.
Its the ideology is incompatible and I was fascinated when you said Russian people have only revolted 3 times against their government and it only got worse.
Read a Sunday Times article about it once, and the journalist asked a local why they accepted the living conditions etc, he said because the people have never known anything different.

Hey do your little sums. I don’t care about the money and understand why some Americans are not ok with paying for a far away war.
It’s the fact that those people are also saying Europe or Nato are to blame and excusing Putin.
I can’t get my head around that part.

Pre-Trump, conservatives valued NATO and were happy to be in control of it.

Now…this drivel.

So strange.

Are you denying EU expansionism policy?


And considering the long and successful alliance with Europe, based on shared ideals, the contempt from Maga towards us, feels like a stab in the back.
But you know all about that. I guess we’re you’re European cousins, democrats i mean and therefore deserving of hate too.
The affinity with Putin is disturbing though.

You’re the one saying these are European countries so we are aggressively expanding into ourselves, or something??