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Has EU/NATO expanded, contracted or stayed the same over the last 10 years?

Which has been the goal?

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That’s true but Russia is the red headed step child of Europe. They look at them like they do at most of Eastern Europe.

The countries who joined and as you pointed out before are already European, did so of their own free will.
With Russia and China bordering and obviously a threat, what is so bad about a peaceful alliance of European countries.
Yes they expanded but didn’t force anyone to do so, much less invade and go to war threatening nuclear action.
Whether Ukraine want to join the EU or not, should be up to the people to decide.

I don’t get it myself, they fought against the Germans in WW2. It should have been unifying and even recently Putin was part of the G8 or whatever. Russia was being recognised on the world stage.
What do you think his ultimate goal or motivation is?

Er the goal has been democracy rather than dictatorship. That ok with you?

You are inadvertently admitting that democracy spreading through Europe is a threat to a dictator regime.
That’s the point, it’s a war over democracy and traditionally dictators are threatened by that.
Why do you not support this?

Thank you.

:rofl: Sure.

Aside from Europe or Russia or the US, why do you think the Ukrainians are fighting to the death?

The ones who are refugees in Europe have been public about the fact they will all leave rather than exist under Putin.

They aren’t.

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They already did.

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Did I say European countries or did I say EU?

And do you know the difference? Or are you being outright obtuse?


Way to debate the way you always do. Claim something, don’t back it up, and then tell other people they’re wrong. I presented actual numbers. Children walk away like that.

You presented partial numbers.

Then debate with numbers. Don’t be a child.

Debate what? Your half numbers?

Nobody taught you to respect your elders.