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Yes but that had primarily to do with constant interaction with the Germans. I mean Petrograd is a Germanic name….

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I always found it funny that there is a St. Petersburg Florida. That was a neat town to drive through.

Plus nice job respecting the World War I name. Can’t be too Germanic.

Of course the difference being that Russia did it because they wanted to be one of the cool kids.


Would you say that national insecurity goes down to individual Russian citizen or is it more of an upper class thing?

Georgia and Chechnya are small countries. And I don’t like equating Chechnya with Georgia. There are major differences. Ukraine is a nation of about 40 million people in 2022. Georgia a population of not even 4 million. What NATO countries border Georgia? Turkey. Displacement from the Five Day War not that great for Turkey, but not overwhelming. What NATO countries border the ten times larger country of Ukraine? Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland. There are differences. And I would argue that we did do some things for Georgia to limit the Russian invasion. We moved ships into Poti and Batumi and landed transports at their airport to stop bombings and a full on invasion. But that’s something for a different thread. If you can’t accept that not all countries are the same when it comes to international reaction, I don’t know what to tell you. But to just pass it off as “Well we didn’t do anything for Georgia, than we shouldn’t do anything for Ukraine…” that’s such a bad argument.

I find Odessa Texas funny. Not a small town either.

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Nobility before the revolution

Now everyone. I read ría news and the comments on news stories talk about how the west is right about to collapse. Like it was back in the 50s, 60s, 70s etc

Putin has been great at imitating the Soviet propaganda and making the population feel like underdogs with the world being against them.

To be fair we’ve been giving him plenty of ammo to work with.

The best propaganda always has an element of truth to it. Even the Soviets knew not to completely make it up wholesale.

Always include some small kernel of truth. More believable that way.

If Russia gets a push back in Georgia…. Does 2014 happen?

If Putin get sanctioned for wiping out grozny what does the world look like today?

Does Germany still rely on Russia for gas? For resources?

If the process started sooner…

Now of course all of this is hindsight nonsense. But it’s fun to ask

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I don’t know the answer to that. No one actually knows. I mean the idiots on this forum will say they know but they also make all kinds of claims like Russia would never have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president ■■■■■■■■ based on nothing…When it comes to Georgia and the weak response and the following administration’s attempt to reset gave the okay for annexing Crimea and the Donbas invasion in 2014…no one will ever know. Guess we’ll have to get Putin on trial for war crimes and see what he says. :slight_smile:

Well the Soviets had the advantage of a completely isolated society. He doesn’t have that and still manages to play on the insecurities.

It’s a mentality. The truth is Russians on the whole love strong men. They want to be ruled. They have been ruled for a millennia and a half and revolted all of three times only to be immediately ruled even harder.

I once tried to explain to a friend of my wife why Russians didn’t revolt against the Soviet government and its control and he could not even come close to conceptualizing it. Not because he was dumb but because the mentality is difficult to grasp

Eastern and western Russians are also culturally quite different.

No Conan. In a nuke exchange, everybody loses. :neutral_face:


Can they buy weapons from us with the money we give them?

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I wouldn’t have mind that so much maybe even lend lease not the wholesale giving away taxpayers billions like now.

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I was referring that Europeans gave Ukraine mostly money than weapons.

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This country is not in europe.

This country has twice as many states as EU has countries.

This country has 435 Reps and 100 Senators. Not 27 ambassadors.

Putin is not going to “iNvAde tHiS counTrY nExT.”

Clever rarely is.


Yes. And quite a bit more.

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They haven’t.

It means shooting euros out of howitzers doesn’t win wars.

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