Trumps administration pandemic response

Best estimate.

Try reading through the original thread as the timeline has progressed.

It’s Donald Trump. Who exactly are you talking about? Has the man change in some way to make us think he’s a descent human being?

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That’s an 850+ post thread. If you don’t want to have the conversation you’re under no obligation to reply.

I’m having the conversation and that thread gives you a timeline of what’s been proposed by various people and the reactions of others since it began.

It is 300 times deadlier than the flu.

This is partly allowing corporations the ability to rob tax payers the maximum amount. Unfortunately it means killing people also which is something they are into.

They are going to make it so that it’s too expensive to get cured while it is already too expensive to be tested.


More to topic, the Trump admin is doing its best to ensure the viral spread as a pretext to canceling this year’s Presidential election.

ONE TENTH of one percent of people who get the flu die whereas the new corona virus seems to be around three percent… What a ■■■■■■■ crock from DHS!!

Over 90% of the patients will get over it naturally without vaccination or any special treatment.

Donny talking now.

It’s amazing how much he blathers along without saying anything.

Pence: “The president’s been clear from the beginning…” LOL

Can you provide a link to DHS putting that out?

Donny says we are down to one still sick person from a total of 15, five have or are preparing to go home.

Says incidence of new cases in China are declining.

Do you have evidence to the contrary?

Yes, Trump’s long history of minimizing problems.

So the correct answer is “no” the only evidence you have is your own bias.

Thanks for clearing it up.

Up to 60 confirmed cases in U.S.

New cases are expected, as virus is expected to spread.

This, according to this own experts speaking after him.

I’m watching it now and you are completely misrepresented what he said.

“Of the original 15”.

Oh, I must have missed when he mentioned the other cases.

That’s why he brought the A Team to answer questions on the current cases.