Trump told Bob Woodward he knew Coronavirus was bad- and there are tapes

Trump to Woodward on February 7

“You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed. And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.”

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Yeah it sounds like he may have disclosed the existence of a nuclear weapons system that isn’t exactly treaty-compliant, from the way the Pentagon reacted.

The military spokesman said they were surprised that Trump would reveal it, which by their standards is screaming HOLY ■■■■ WHAT DID HE DO WHAT DID HE DO.

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And it can be cured with a miracle drug.


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Now push your chairs closer together I don’t like the way the spacing looks. People might think there’s a problem.

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Give them until Monday. It’ll take that long to recycle another lib’s histrionics.

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I knew the supporters wouldn’t care.


TDS - Trump Defense Syndrome

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This ain’t a lib talking it’s the POTUS.


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This article is from May 21st

it says that if Covid restrictions were put into place on Mar 1st the death count would have been around 56,000 lower.

At the reporting of this the death count was about 99,000.

It didn’t have to be this way. He knew… and just didn’t act but actively misinformed people.

The President failed.


Yes, but he’s cool and libs are bad for overreacting to what Trump allegedly says, as they always do. So what if anonymous sources who hate trump say he knowingly downplayed the virus? They were always out to hurt him.

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It’s literally absurd. The last practicality panting thread about veterans has slipped way way… down. I predict one freak out (at least) per day now thru November.

What went through his mind? I used to think that he really didn’t understand the severity of the situation, but now we learn that he DID understand, and just chose to do nothing. He saw it coming, and chose to shut his eyes.
It’s a head scratcher.

It was going to be difficult, so he pretended it didn’t exist instead. He did the travel ban from China, that was all that was needed.

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Trump does and says so much stupid ■■■■ it’s hard to keep up. But, I guess it’s easier to ignore everything and pretend he’s a good person and an excellent leader.

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I hold the same opinion now as then.

Exactly what is absurd pointing out Trumps own words admitting the danger of the virus and him playing it down?


He didn’t shut his eyes… he actively misinformed about the severity of it.

And some are just brushing this off as some sort of derangement of opposing the President.

It is bonkers.


It’s as President Obama said- he just isn’t interested in doing the job. He likes the ‘sirs’ and the parades and big plane rides, but not the work.


And still.


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