Coronavirus Thread Political

People in China are being welded inside of their apartments by police, not getting tested.

You have zero evidence to suggest even half of all cases are getting tested.

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No it isn’t, they higher the population density the more likely you are to spread it and far higher chances of rapid transmission to numerous people.

If you live in a rural area with little contact with people from outside your community you have little or no chance of contracting it.

So far most of the known cases are cases where people were packed tightly into apartments, cruise ships, aircraft etc.

Omg facepalm…you took that literally…lol…

Good job not being able to realize when someone is having fun


One positive guy from a cruise ship described his symptoms similar to a cold. Had he been home unaware of the virus he felt like he would have gone to work after day 1. There will be many that had it and didn’t know.

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Indeed and the worst thing we could have happen is for everyone that gets a sniffle to panic and run to their doc’s offices or hospital ER’s demanding to be tested.

That kind of panic could cripple they whole system.


That’s been my contention for a week now. This thing was a pandemic 3 weeks ago, and we’re chasing it not containing it. If it’s transmissible as they say, then there wasn’t any stopping it once the first unknown origin case popped up. Stop it, hell, you can’t even track it at that point.

Pretty much. Well, not dead, just contagious.

Calm down. lol

Ok someone needs to shut him up now. He’s actively doing harm.

You should listen to the daily podcast today. Right in line with your thoughts

It’s possible, think you’d see more positive tests turning up if so.

Hell, I’ve been sick for a month with some disease the niece and nephew have exposed me to.

Still can’t hear in my left ear, if it ended being the Coronavirus i’d never let my sister hear the end of it :laughing:.

But yeah, I think containment is out the window now. Just limiting the damage at this point. We’re up to 90+ cases here and I still remember that chart spike in S.Korea.

Ah, yea we’re officially in phase 2 of the UK Govts response now. Phase 1 was contain, phase 2 is delay.

Of course there’s the other line of thought that it’s not as easily transmissible as they say. I think it would depend on the survivability of the virus outside the human body. If it’s low, which would make sense based on what we’re seeing, then it’s not going to be readily spread on common contact surfaces. But if you’re dealing with a ship or nursing home, confined area where many people congregate, then spreading by common contact surfaces becomes more prevalent due to the time between contacts is lessened.

That’s what I was wondering. Like they havent known about this for weeks honestly. It’s just popping up now

Oh good. The President telling people to go ahead and go to work even if they have COVID-19. This seems like a smart strategy, no?

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How did you get that he told people to go to work with it from that clip?

“A lot of people will have this. And it’s very mild. And they get better…So we have thousands or hundreds of thousands that have this and they just get better. Some of them are sitting around. Some of them are going to work. And they get better.”

That means that for a lot of Americans who may have this, they can go to work because they’re going to just get better. No need to see a doctor. No need to protect fellow citizens. Everything will be okay. Nothing to see here.

■■■■■■■ dangerous ■■■■■

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He should be telling folks to stay home and away from others the life they save may not only be their own but someone else’s as well. It’s highly irresponsible to lump this is with the flu, a virus for which we at least have vaccines for.

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Absolutely. His rhetoric is leading to stuff like this…

How did we get to a post responsibility society, where the needs to protect others is not being mentioned by the the leader of the country and people are ok with that?

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